Chapter 14 - The unfinished road

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They were riding on a hill. The view was beautiful, however, Ivelle couldn't admire it, since it was the very first day of their journey into the Dark Kingdom. They had been riding for hours now, and Ivelle was already exhausted. The others looked calm and fit like it was just a family trip or something. Merle wore her usual dark blue cloak with a black dress and rode on a chestnut horse. Cirillo was riding on Brandr and wore a black shirt with leather pants. Áedh rode a huge black horse and - just like usual- wore black and red clothes. Ivelle wore her white linen shirt with brown leather pants and a black cloak. Áedh slowed down his horse so he could ride with Ivelle.

"How are you?" he asked.

"Fine," answered Ivelle shortly.

"No, you're not." Ivelle turned towards him with a blaming look on her face. Áedh looked at the others and resumed "You're tired, already, but you don't want to stop because it would prove what Cirillo said yesterday. You're also worried that he was right."

"Wow. You're right, I guess." she didn't know what to say.

"You don't have to worry. You bear it better than most of the rookies." he looked at Ivelle, who wasn't sure that what he said was true. "Look, they are way more experienced than you. Cirillo, Merle and me- we all fought in the previous war. You'll get the run of it soon. I'm sure about that." he gave her a weak smile.

"Thanks, I really appreciate that." she smiled back "Wait a minute. Merle fought in the war?"


"No way! She can't be older than 25."

"Well...she's 67." Ivelle gave him an unbelieving look "Sorceresses age differently. They live longer, however, they're not immortals."

"I see... I didn't know that."

"I have a hunch, that there are many, many things you don't know... yet"

"Maybe you're right. But hey, I'm a half-elf, soooo I have a very long time to learn everything."

"Now, that's true." he laughed "Half-elf children inherit the immortality of their elf parents."

"Good to know." she smiled. "And what about the dragons?"

"What about us?" he asked.

"Are you immortals?" she asked curiously.

"Well... No..." he said uncertainly "However, we do live longer - much longer- than the sorcerers. The oldest sorcerer so far was 1201 years old. We can live much longer. The oldest dragon was 6789 years old. Although it didn't help that we were hunted..."

"I see..." she thought about it for a second and asked again " What about the dwarves and the fairies?"

"Dwarves live for about a 100 years give or take. The fairies they are immortal too. Some say that they have a close relationship with the elves." explained Áedh.

"Oh. Do you believe it?"

"Yes. They are very alike. Their lifestyle, their looks, the facts that they are immortals. For me, it seems to be the only logical explanation."


"Áedh, come here!" said Cirillo. Áedh put spurs to his horse and rode ahead. Cirillo was standing at a small lake looking into the water worriedly. They stopped their horses and got off the saddle. Ivelle approached the water, where Áedh already discussed something with Cirillo. Merle was standing next to them.

"What happened?" asked Ivelle. She looked at Cirillo, who chose to stay silent didn't even look at her. Áedh however answered.

"There's a dead raven tied to a rock in this river."

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