Chapter 4: Why You So Nice To Me?

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Nany's POV

Me and Cooke raided the fridge for more beers, pouring out shot after shot for each other, creating our own little nightclub atmosphere. We both grabbed two, ice cold beers each and walked over to the bowling lane we had in the penthouse. 

Drunk me thought drunk Cooke was great, I was still unsure how I felt about Cooke sober but being drunk made me feel different about her, like I had some weird attraction to her but couldn't admit it to the rest of the girls in the house, or anyone for that matter.

We began to bowl, I sat down on the chair situated slightly behind where Cooke was standing, who happened to take both of our turns as I persuaded Cooke I was too drunk to stand without throwing the ball through the wall. I began to let my eyes wonder looking at her bruised yet toned, dark brown legs that had patches of where her fake tan had rubbed off. I looked at the scars and scabs that covered her legs from where she had played soccer, each more digusting than the next.

"Nanyyy..come on...playyy with mee." Cooke pleaded as she drunkenly strolled over grabbing on to my hands trying to pull me out of the chair.

Her hands were warm and soft, I resisted the urge to lock out fingers together instead I just looked up at her smiling trying not to laugh as she pulled me up.

"Alright bro alright." I laughed clutching onto Cooke from behind as she pulled me towards the lane and picked up a ball. I let my hand slowly run down her arm interlocking our fingers as she gripped onto the bowling ball. 

"Did I ever tell you, I love the way you say bro." Cooke smiled as she told me.

I saw her cheeks go a dark red out of embarrassment. I didn't know what to say to her, I just smiled and rested my head on her shoulder as she threw the ball down to the pins knocking them all over.

The force of Cooke throwing the ball made us loose our balance with me falling on top of her. Cooke laid on her back on the bowling lane as I was straddled on top of her. For a short second there was an awkward silence met with eye contact then drunken laughter as I collapsed my entire body on top of her. 

"Nany, get off me." Cooke laughed as I slowly rolled off her and layed on my back next to her leaving our fingers interlocked looking up at the blinding lights above us.

Cooke's POV 

It had been about 5 minutes since Nany passed out drunk next to me, her hand holding onto mine tightly as if she never wants me to leave her. I sat up slowly pulling my hand away from hers then wrapping my arms under hers and gently lifting her up off the floor.

"Why you so nice to me?" Nany slurred as I carried her off to her bedroom, her bare feet dragging along the floor lifting up every other step I took. 

"Because I want you to like me Nany." 

"I like you Cooke." I felt Nany grip onto my arm tightly as I laid her down onto her bed. 

I helped Nany get under the covers wrapping them around her as she laid on her side. I walked over to the light switching it off leaving the bathroom light shining into the room when I heard Nany letting out a soft, exhausted moan.

"Cooke."  Nany whispered softly slightly pulling the sheets from over her head.


"Can...can you cuddle me?" She asked in a raspy drunken tone as I saw her hand reach out from under the covers motioning for me to come over.

I sighed walking over to her carefully stepping over the clothes left on the floor. I slid my dress off exchanging it for Nany's oversized grey sweatshirt and climbed into bed wrapping my arm around her waist gently. 

Nany interlocked her fingers within mine snuggling her head deeper in her pillow. I smiled as I pulled her closer to me. The more sober I got the more I was loving holding her, I easily could have taken advantage of her drunken state but more of me wanted to just enjoy the time I had with her. 

I laid there quietly, with just the sounds of Nany breathing in and out and the muffled sounds of the night clubs vibrating the floor slightly filling the room. I shut my eyes tightly as I buried my face between her shoulder and neck. 

It was perfect, the whole situation was perfect, drunk, but perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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