Sunny Disposition

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My arms were going to be bruised forever with the way these guys were handling them, “Look, Troge, tell your other cave man buddy over here I’m not a piece of meat so he can stop handling me like I’m one...” His eyes flickered to his buddy who only tightened the grip on my arm. I clenched my teeth together, “You want to lighten your death grip, before you snap my arm off buddy? I’m not malibu barbie you can’t snap that crap back on...” I said in frustration which sent them both off in a laughing fit. They carried me for a couple more minutes and then turned to a door on the left opened it and threw me in like a sack of garbage. I hit the tile floor with a smack wincing slightly. The two scouts laughed as they closed the door locking it behind them. I laid still against the floor for a moment and then pushed myself up, the room was strangely bright for being underground. My body stiffened as I turned to face the source of light in the room, my heart stopped beating in my chest. 

Tristen, my whole body scrambled up off the floor racing to the other side of the room. Tristen was chained to a chair his head slumped over. There was a light focused on him blinding and hot. My body came to a halt a few feet from him. I could see that his body was sheen from sweat. The color of his skin was gray rather then it’s normal pale and his lips were dry and cracking. I stared at him for a moment, and when I saw his chest take in a shallow breath I almost cried knowing he was still alive. I moved quickly, pulling the lights plug out of the socket casting us into darkness. 

I closed the gap between us hesitating for a moment, not because I didn’t want to touch him but because I wasn’t sure how fragile he was, “Tristen?” I spoke softly. I heard the sound of his throat constricting like he was trying to speak. I put my hand out and I felt his soft hair under my hand then I knew exactly what I needed to do to help him, “Tristen, I’m going to ease your pain okay? Don’t worry...” I said as I fumbled my hand down his face tilting it back against the chair his body struggled a little the chain clanking together. 

“Tristen, it’s okay. It’s me, Lucy...” His body stopped moving and I could hear his throat constricting in another spasm. I took my hand away from his face for a moment and his body started to struggle again. I quickly put it back and he stilled. I palmed his cheek tenderly and I could have sworn he eased his face against it. I reached into my pocket with my free hand and pulled out a curved dagger a dagger that I had swiped from Ruth earlier in the hall without her knowledge. I brought the blade forward my hand trembling, “I’m going to take my hand away Tristen for a moment, but I’m not leaving you. I’m right here okay...” I spoke to him in a soothing manner. I had to help him who knew how long he had been under that UV lamp but from what I had seen it had been too long. I pulled my hand back away from his face and he struggled a little, “Tristen, I’m right here...” I spoke again, his body relaxing at the sound of my voice. 

I brought the tip of the blade to my wrist, it’s cool silver resting against my skin. I took a breath and then drew the blade slowly across my skin, the pain was followed by warm rushing fluid. I dropped the blade to the ground and gripped my wrist with my free hand. Tristen’s body began to struggle violently in the chains, and I knew it was because he smelt my blood his body was reacting without him being truly conscious. I took a step forward, “I’m going to ease you now...” I spoke, as I drew my hand away from my wrist grabbing gently onto Tristen’s bobbing face holding it still. I brought my wound to his face, “I want you to know that I’m giving this blood to you willingly, it is my gift to you...” I parted his dry lips with my thumb and eased my wrist onto his mouth. 

It was a few minutes before his body started to respond, but I could feel that it was reviving and filling him with power which lifted the heavy weight in my chest. I felt his lips twitch on my skin, and then I felt a pull like he was breathing in my blood. My body stiffened for a moment, he’s sucking. I wanted to pull my wound away but I knew he hadn’t had enough I pushed through the fear that boiled under my skin. I felt a surge of pain letting out a tiny gasp as his teeth were in my flesh now which was good, for him. He took in deep drags and with each one I felt my body slowly relaxing, becoming unsteady. I needed to pull my arm away or he was going to kill me, but I couldn’t. My body began to sag leaning into his. Tristen’s eyes suddenly opened and looked up at me with surprise. His teeth pulled out of my skin and he pulled his face as far away as it would go. The warmth of his touch was gone, it hit me with a strange saddness. I sagged more onto his body, “I’m so tired...” I said faintly. I fell against him, my face coming to rest in the crook of his neck I felt his body tense as the darkness invaded my mind and swept me away. 

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