twenty nine

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niall : i haven't heard from you in a while

liam : 2 weeks is a long time for you?

niall : yes to be honest. like you're my friend, i worry too. zayn isn't the only one

liam : can we please not talk about zayn? or perrie? or anything and anyone remotely close to getting into zayn's pants.

niall : whoa whats gotten into you

liam : nothing. just nothing. don't worry, i'm okay though

liam : let's talk about how your summer's been going

niall : great actually. me and harry are heading over to louis's house for a double movie date.

liam : have fun

niall : don't you wanna come?

liam : i don't wanna be the third wheel

niall : okay well.... then goodbye

seen at 7:38pm

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