Shoto x reader: dorm sleep over part 1

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You were chilling in the common room being a blanket burrito when you were smacked in the head with a pillow. " Young (L/n)! Draw a number from the bucket!" All Might said, shoving a bucket in your face. You grabbed a number and hid in your blanked burrito once again. All Might pulled you back out and started talking. " sense it's summer break, and there's nothing to do, us teachers came up with a plan! Check your numbers and get with your partner, once you are done doing so, go to your starred partner's dorm room and stay there for five weeks straight! You can come out if you have to either eat, drink, use the bathroom, or do anything else important! Other than that, you cannot leave! Now, get to it!" He yelled. You looked at your slip. You had seven with a star on it. You felt a tap on your shoulder, so you turned around. Todoroki was standing there with his number in his hand. " do you, by chance, have number seven?" You nodded and showed him your number. Todoroki closed his eyes for a second and then looked back at you. " then let's get going. I'll get my stuff from my room while you tidy up whatever needs to be." Then, the both of you went to your rooms. You picked up all of the garbage and stuff laying around, then you made your bed and arraigned all of the stuffed animals neatly. You fixed up your book shelf and Ps3 games neatly then put a sigh on your closet that said do not enter, because your closet was WAY to messy to clean in three minutes.

After you finished cleaning, you flopped on your bed. There was a knock on Your door. " Come In!" You said. Todoroki walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat his bed stuff on the floor and started to arrange it. " yo, Todoroki? What are you doing?" He looked at you. " fixing up a spot to sleep in. Why do you ask?" You sighed loudly. " you can sleep up here with me, alright? I don't like seeing my friends sleeping on the floor when they could be in a bed. C'mon, get up here." You patted a spot in front of you. Todoroki grabbed his stuff and set it behind you. He sat in front of you and looked you in the eyes. " so what now?" He asked. You sprang up and grabbed one of your spare blankets. You wrapped it around your shoulders and then grabbed his blanket. You handed it to him and sat back down in front of him. " let's tell each other about the best times we've ever experienced!" You chirped. Todoroki looked at you, then looked away. You swore your heart stopped.

 You swore your heart stopped

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