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Trying to get some sleep before Vladimir landed was as about as difficult as getting a dress on a pig

I knew that once he landed the Anderson's would follow him to where he would be staying and let us know where that would be and Henry said he would try and get pictures of the girls for me

It's now 2 am and I flipped the covers off me and slip out of the bed and head down the hallway

Pushing the door open I walk in and climb into bed Irish spring scent filters around me calming me down I snuggle into him
"Harleigh " Owen says his voice still filled with sleep
" It's me I need you " I say
" I'm here " he says as his arm comes around my waist pulling me to him
"I'm Here My Love " he says
My mind gave up the fight when he wrapped his arm around me sleep filtered in fast
" Sleep Love" he says kissing the back of my head

The ringing of a phone woke both of us up Owen rolls away slightly grabbing his phone from the nightstand and I snuggle back into him once he comes back to his spot

He answered the phones
" BlackBourne "
" They are,  good , Where at "
" Send me the location "
" I'll tell her "
" Thank you Liam "

He tossed the phone in front of me then pulls me to him
" He's landed and he is at a hotel with the girls but about ten minutes he sent the girls out with a person , Harry is following them along with Rodrigo Cruz they both are together , We need to get up and get moving Liam has the room bugged and had be enough listening to his conversations one of which is that he is going to contact you for a meeting today , Harleigh from what he said to the person on the other line he's not going to let you leave alive this time if you don't leave with him " Owen said

A cold shiver ran down my spin because I knew Vladimir meant every word he will kill me

"It's not going to happen Harleigh, the girls will be with us soon " Owen said

We got up and got dressed after a quick shower headed downstairs where a few of the guys were already up all looking like they could sleep a few more hours

" Do you want anything to eat Harleigh " Luke asked

"Not really but If I don't eat Blake or North will yell at me so just a piece of toast and coffee will do " I say

" How about a bagel and coffee " he says as he slides the plate in front of me with a blueberry bagel and a cup of coffee

" Thank you " I tell him
" You are welcome cupcake "

I eat in silence trying to formulate a plan in my head even though I know they won't let me go alone I still need to be prepared for anything

The ringing of a phone brings me back from my thoughts
I look down it's mine that is ringing and it's Vladimir

" What Vladimir " I asked him
" Why so mean this early in the day Harleigh " Vladimir said back
" Just get to the point Vladimir " I say
" Fine then I will , If you want to see your girls again meet me at the location I text you and Come alone don't you dare bring any of your boy toys with you " Vladimir growls
" I want to see my girls " I tell him
"You will if you do what I say  I shall see you in two hours don't be late " He tells me
The dial tone blares in my ear

Hitting the end button and placing the phone down on the counter

" What did he want " Axel asked

" He wants me to meet him at a location that he is texting me that I am " Not to bring my Boy Toys " with me ". I tell them

Before he responded my text message went off
With the location he wants me to meet him at
I forwarded it to all

" I need my small pistol that I can slide into my bra and my knife I need to change to jeans " I say as move from the seat

Arms pulled me to them
" Harleigh stop for a moment " Blake said as he held me to him
" I can't Blake I need to get my head in this and get ready for him " I tell him

" Corey , Kota , Victor wire her up so we can listen in and have any trackers that you can put on her that he won't find do that too We need to make sure if he takes her anywhere we can follow her " Blake says

" We have several things we have used before a pair of earrings , an anklet that she can hide under her socks and each of the tennis shoes have a device in them too" Kota said

Ten minutes I was dressed in a pair jeans T-shirt tennis shoes my hair was pulled up in a ponytail braid the ribbon that was weaves in the braid had a tracking device sewn in it I was totally decked out with tracking devices and listening devices

We went over a plan of attack but we all knew it could be thrown out the window Because plans change fast when dealing with Vladimir

Even the car I was driving had it , Yes I was driving the guys were going to leave thirty minutes after I did

Henry , Jack and Liam were following Vladimir so they would be there when I arrived so would another all dog team the Hendersons they were all ex military Ranging from CIA , Green Berets, Navy Seals they started out in the Academy but went into the military to continue their learning but returned to the academy a few years later

Seems Owen called in a few favors and So did Liam but the teams that they called had said no need for favors getting those girls away from Vladimir will be payment

Turning down the dead end road I see a vacant house at the end of it  it's a good ways down the road
When I pulled into the driveway I don't see any other cars but when I go around to the left I see another car
I park  take a deep breath in and let it out make sure I have everything I need then I get out

Walking up on the front porch the steps creak and crack as I go up them

Opening the screen door then turning the knob on the front door pushing it gently open
Until it opens completely I see no one in the living room I step in cautiously
Walking farther in and around the house until I come to the last door in hallway

The door is half shut so I push it open to see the man I have hated for years standing there with his back to me

He slowly turns around to face me

Vladimir looks me up and down several times licking his lips as he does

A shiver of disgust goes across my body

"Well We Meet again " Vladimir says with a grin

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