Seeing the Girls

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"I need a X-ray of her right leg to see where the bullet is and I need one of her left shoulder "

Harleigh could hear talking but couldn't open her eyes so she laid there listening to the voices

" She has a clean shot in the leg but it's destroyed both her tibia and fibula she's going to need surgery to repair it with a steel rod , her shoulder faired better but the bullet is still lodged in it we need to get it out she's going to need a blood transfusion let's move her upstairs now "

She felt the bed begin to roll and then it stops

" Pookie we got the girls they are safe with Erica and Jessica for now but they know who you are they want to see you so you need to be a good patient and come out this surgery " Sean says as he kissed my forehead

" Take good care of my wife " Sean says

" Will do Dr Green"

Beep Beep. beep
" Someone shut that damn thing up " I growl as I try to move but quickly realize that I can't move well I can move but not very easier

" Glad to see your chipper self is awake now"
Opening my eyes to see Blake  he was sitting in the chair next to the bed
I could tell there was more than just him here

" You get shot in the shoulder and leg then tell me " I said with a wince

" Easy I don't want Sean yelling at me if you pull a stitch" Blake said
" Where is everyone "

" Scattered between here , Ericas and keeping an eye on Vladimir  but they will all be here shortly since I just texted them to tell them you are awake now " Blake said

" My girls " I asked
" Beautiful,  they are enjoying being at Memaw Ericas with Auntie Jessica and Maxine The dog but they really want to see you Seems you made quite an impression on two of the people who work for Vladimir  ,Yelena and  Olga they made sure the girls knew you that you didn't want to leave them that one day you three will see each other again "

" I knew I could count on them they were the ones that took care of me they didn't approve of what he did to me they would text me where the girls would be and I would sneak around to see them from afar " I tell Blake

" Well you won't have to do that at all , Corey is already working on getting their birth certificates and other documents with the help of Raven who called in a favor and let's just say anyone besides the two that helped you see our girls are six feet under "

" Good " was all I could say

" And don't worry Vladimir is going to be that way soon as you can stand on that leg we will deliver the ultimate punishment to him" Owen said from the doorway

I smile at him which he gives me a smile back
" I just want to tell you that I'm sorry if I made you worry about me I just didn't want to be " I stopped

" We know what happen , Corey hacked into the feed after The Henderson team found the cameras I'm just glad you got away even though you did get shot " Owen said

" Yeah it sucks too my whole body is achy and I am hungry "

" Well Pookie you can have something light for now I will tell North to stop by the Diner for Uncles Chicken Noodle soup for you " Sean said as he came in

Three days later I was released from the hospital I had to use a wheelchair to get around I couldn't use my shoulder so using crutches was out of the question

When we left the hospital we headed over to Ericas to see my girls

As Sean wheeled me up the driveway I could hear them laughing inside it makes my heart feel warm

He rolls me inside I see Erica on the couch and the girls are on the floor watching Tangled they all hear the wheelchair rolling across the floor and all Turn to see us

" Mama , Sean " both say As they scramble off the floor and come running to me Hugging me I held them tightly to me for a few seconds then let go both stood back Then they hugged Sean

" Mama can we sign your cast " Anastasia says
" Yeah Mama " Angelina says shaking her head yes
" Sure but you have to leave a spot for others to do so too "

" Okay , Memaw Can we have a pen" Angelina says
" Sure sweetheart " Erica gets up and finds a sharpie

Both girls write on the cast

" Are we going home with you now " Anastasia asked

" If you want too I'm sure Gabriel has already got a closet full of clothes for the both of you and dress up play clothes " I say

" He does and their rooms are decorated too " Sean says

" Mama do you think Luke will teach us how to scare North like he did the other day when he was here " Anastasia asked with a grin

"Oh Did Luke get North again " I say
" Yes Mama it was so funny North flipped the pancake up and it hit the ceiling " Anastasia says laughing

" I bet he could teach you two a thing or two " I say

" Let's go get your stuff packed up " Erica says

The girls leave with her

"Sean did all of you meet the girls already " I asked
" Yes we did , Luke and Brandon were the two that went in to get them and when they came out with the girls they were holding on to them and just talking away like they had know them for all their lives " Sean said

We left Ericas with the girls and headed home they were chatting away as we went along
It made my heart so full knowing I have my girls with me now

When we pulled up everyone was outside waited for us
There was a ramp that was temporarily attached to the front porch

" You know we are going to have to get a bigger place " Axel said as he kissed my forehead then took over rolling me up the ramp
" I know and I am sure between Silas , North Owen and Gabriel we will have the perfect pace soon " I say

" Thats right Harleigh baby we will " North said

We all went in and dinner was already done curtesy of Uncle he brought dinner over when he knew I was being released

" So lets go over some ground rules girls " Owen says to the girls

" Yes Sir " both say

Owen Laid down the ground rolls which were stay out of the pool unless an adult was with them , they have to go to bed by 9 but when they start school it will be 8:30 , they are to keep their room cleaned and always ask for help if they need it we are a family that we all work together

When it was time for bed Silas carried me up to bed but before he put me in my bed he took me to girls room and we both tucked them in said Goodnight then the rest followed in , Marc and Brandon read them two bedtime stories until they fell asleep

I was laying in bed with my leg on a pillow Corey was on one side Silas on the other

" Thank you both for all that you did to get my girls back and when I get this cast off I will properly thank you but the girls will have to be over at Memaws for the night if you know what I mean" I say

Both chuckled
" Yes we do now get some sleep "

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