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Over the years our family grew but not as large as we wanted after I had our ninth child a little girl Alyssa there are only three girls Anastasia , Angelina and Alyssa the rest are all boys
That's six boys between The twins and Alyssa
Anastasia Lila   & Angelina Grace now 20
Elijah Jayson 16
Tanner Judah 14
Adam Michael 12
Grayson Taylor 10
Colton Jayden 8
Harrison Henry 4
Then came Alyssa Erin almost 1

When Alyssa was born I had to have a surgery to repair a tear in my uterus and it was deemed I shouldn't get pregnant anymore so they all went and had a vasectomy done

It was almost a 11 months after Alyssa was born I was in the kitchen feeling very achy it was flu season so thought I was coming down with the flu so I went to see Sean at the hospital I was standing outside his office when I felt a stabbing pain
I dropped to my knees and screamed

Ten minutes later I was holding twin boys Seems some ones vasectomy didn't work very well
And I knew just who too but it's didn't matter anymore I got my tubes tied right after I gave birth
Keagan Kash and Braydon Brantley

So now we have 11 children and I can honestly say I have found and created my family

Thank you all for following along on Harleighs journey to find her Family

Much love to you all

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