Synopsis ✔

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A/n: I'm so sorry if there'll be a lot of typos errors such as, ungrammatical phrases or sentences, wrong usage of punctuation marks, and misspelled words.

I am a busy person, I only write stories on my free time, so I don't have enough time to proofread and edit. Please bare with me.

(Plagiarism is a crime.)

THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL. If there is an event, name, place or anything else that is in the story and happened in real life, it is not accidental, it is just coincidence.

(Everything is just imagination because OUR IMAGINATION IS THE LIMIT. CRIMSTIX !! HAHA. Peace)

Happy reading, my bestfriends!

Jeva Leyn Villaflor is currently pursuing her dream, and that is to become an OB-Gyn. She always talks and shares about her famous crushes to her friends. She appreciates their beauty and talents. She likes stalking them on social media. She'll stalk them if they're single or not, how young or old. So that she can discard those who were younger than her or 5+ years older than her. Age does matter to her. She will also discard those who have girlfriends or wives. That makes her have too many celebrity crushes. Though, days or weeks passed she'll eventually forget about them, like, she never liked or stalked them, or even knew them.

Also, even though she has lots of famous crushes, she never dreamed of having a relationship with any of them because she never likes the life that they have. NO PRIVACY. Everything they do is under control. You need to be like this or like that. You need to become perfect in the sight of society. But, she believes that no one is perfect. They make mistakes, make rumors, and such. She doesn't want to get involved with it; she doesn't want her peaceful life to get affected. She doesn't like to be in the limelight where people talk about her truth or not.

But then, things happened and changed everything.

She really doesn't have a celebrity boyfriend instead; she got one as her HUSBAND.

He became her husband because of their mothers who arranged their marriage since they were young.

But still, she was hidden. The man doesn't want to lose his fame and career just because he was married to a plain non-showbiz woman.

At first, it was fine. Everything is okay until one day; an unknown woman came into the picture and said that she is the man's girlfriend on the same day that she wanted to tell her husband about her pregnancy.

Her world was shaken. She was devastated. She knew that their marriage was arranged by their mothers but she couldn't stop herself from falling in love with that man.

So, she left.

She left to get better.

She left to prevent her heart from being more broken and also to protect her child.

But, was that even a good decision?


RENOWN SERIES 1: Doubtlessly Mine ✔Where stories live. Discover now