Chapter 23 ✔

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JEVA woke up in an unfamiliar place. She held her head remembering what happened and what brings her here in this place. She squeezed her eyes and shook her head a little. She felt more dizzy because of the room color she can't think properly. Ano ba kasi ang pumasok sa utak ng may-ari ng kwartong ito at pininturahan ito ng kulay rainbow? Nagiging lollipop ang paningin niya sa kwarto. Yung malaking lollipop na hugis bilog na kulay rainbow. As in, buong silid kulay rainbow. Kahit ang kamang hinihigaan niya ay rainbow. Kahit ang ceiling kulay rainbow. She didn't see anything around. It's like an empty room. She can't see a door too. What kind of place is this? What am I doing here? How am I going to get myself out? Those are some of the question in her mind. She felt like she is a prisoner inside a very colorful world.

Nang biglang bumukas ang pinto. Wait! What?! There's actually a door? She was really surprised. Lalo na nang iniluwa nito si Jeron.

"Jeron?" - natatakang tinawag ang lalaki. Her lips formed 'O' when she remembered that she happened to run towards Jeron's arms after the incident inside her husband's condo. She pulled a face. Was it still appropriate to call him her husband knowing that she already broke up with him? But, their marriage is not yet annulled. Papayag kaya ito? Siguro, papayag nga ito dahil may girlfriend na yung tao. Bakit niya ako niloko? There's a lot of why's in Jeva's head. Anong wala sa akin? Anong kulang? Jeva still wanted to understand her husband in this kind of situation. Maybe his husband was just fooling around and doing these things because he wanted to surprise her. But, the other side of her heart tells that maybe she's really an ordinary girl trying to fit herself into someone. That maybe she's really no good for his career.

"You're awake." - Jeron pointed out when he saw her sitting on the bed looking to nowhere.

Jeva gave him a faint smile. "Yeah." - the latter sighed and looked at her worriedly.

"Are you okay?" - he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." - she gave him an assuring smile.

Jeron snorted. "Bakit pa nga ba ako nagtanong? Halata namang hindi ka okay." - he said sarcastically. He stared at her intently. "What are you gonna to do now?"

She shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know. I left a letter for him and told him that I resigned as his wife."

He wheezed in surprised. "Resigned?" - hindi makapaniwalang tanong niya sa babae. "Ano sa tingin mo ang pagiging asawa niya, trabaho?" - napailing nalang ang lalaki sa kanyang tinuran. Habang ang isa ang natawa nalang nang marealize ang kanyang ginawa.

"No. But, taking care of my husband and understanding him is my responsibility. I resigned from my responsibility to him. May iba ng gagawa nun para sa kanya." - she said bitterly. "And, I just hope him well. Sana lang ay maging masaya siya sa bago niya ngayon."

"Yun lang?" - napalingon naman si Jeva sa lalaki dahil sa tanong nito. "Yun na yun? Ganun ganun na lang? You'll give up your husband because of that?" - Jeron asked.

"That woman is better than I am."

"No one is better than another. Note that." - he said. "Lahat ng tao ay pantay-pantay. No one is perfect, no one is greater than another. Maybe Suella is good in somethings but remember, that you are also best in something." - he tried to console her but what he said is actually true. Wala naman kasing mas better sa kahit sino. All of us will excel in our different fields.

"I doubt that." - she sighed and smiled bitterly. "That woman is gorgeous, sexy and famous. While, me? I'm just plain." - mariin niyang pinagdikit ang kanyang mga labi.

"You are beautiful, inside and out, you are sexy and I think that you can be as famous as she is kung gugustuhin mo. Baka nga mas sisikat ka pa kaysa sa kanya kung gugustuhin mo lang talaga. You are talented, you can play instruments and can sing well. You are intelligent. Doctor ka rin eh." - he said, trying to boost and at the same time give her confidence.

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