Chapter 31

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Its been 7 years since jeongyeon left and stopped being intouch.

To be honest i was mad when she suddenly stopped being intouch with the girls, if she wants to ignore me those time she couldve just tell the girls and not involve them with our issues.

Jihyo and nayeon went mad at her whe she suddenly did it, they kept on looking for a reason why she suddenly stopped calling and never called back although she didnt even deactivated her account


"why isnt she calling? Is she mad or what??" jihyo said as she tries to call jeongyeon again

"maybe she was just busy.. You know she's inheriting everything you know?" chaeyoung tried to convince jihyo

"i know thats why i want to check her out, i know she's experiencing pressure now" jihyo replied

"you know what i 100% believe she's doing this because mina told her to stay away, dont get me wrong.. But she doesnt have to include us with her issues with mina" nayeon madly said then momo came to comfort her

"lets just try to understand jeong, to be honest dealing with such reputation like her family isnt that easy seriously.. Ive been there" dahyun explained

"and also she's a college student now not just in a university but a well-known one! Its not easy though.. We all know hyung doesnt want to fail her family" chaeyoung added

Im convinced but if thats the readon she could've just told the girls that she'll be busy or what.

"look she didnt even deactivated her account so it means she's really not avoiding us" sana butted and showed her phone

"we have to understand jeongyeon's life will be different now and im serious about it cuz one day chaeyoung, dahyun and i will experience it too.

Living in a family with a big reputation wasnt easy, to be honest my father is already planning to hand me the company and if you notice it eats my time" momo explained

Then dahyun and chaeyoung lowered their head.

They know why jeongyeon is being like this, they understand her.

And we dont,

"jeongyeon unnie never told us anything.. But all i know is why she's doing this because of their family reputation. She's gonna be a heir of one the most richest families in the world.

I think you would do the same if you were on her shoes" dahyun said

End of flashback

Im packing my things already since ill be going back to korea now, our world tour broadway ended already.

I can finally take a break

And yes the rumours are true that ill be signing under a korean entertainment but im not going to act in a national TV.

Im going back to korea to try something new for my career though international entertainment agency are recruiting me but ive declined it all.

I want to go home now since jihyo's wedding with daniel will be held this year.


Who wouldve thought right?? Jihyo marrying her highschool love.

On my deep thoughts i didnt noticed that my manager had already called me for many times so i quickly called back

Hello? Ohmygod

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