Kiss Me Better

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Frank helped Gerard up off the floor and led him over to his room. Stacey threw Frank a first aid kit as they passed. He caught it and threw her a grateful smile.

Gerard sat down on his bed and removed his shirt. Frank wet a towel and began gently wiping away the blood. Gerard winced and shut his eyes tight. Frank wrapped a sterile gauze around his waist and tied it off. Sitting back, Frank smiled at his handiwork.

"Done!" he said cheerfully.

Gerard opened his eyes and looked at his now-covered stab wound. "It hurts," he said simply.

Frank rolled his eyes. "Of course it'll hurt. You've been stabbed with a fork."

Gerard bit his lip and looked at Frank from under his eyelashes. Frank's breathing hitches and his heart stutters. Gerard looked utterly gorgeous.

It took Frank a few moments to realize that Gerard and he were only a few centimeters away from each other. His eyes widened slightly and his heart jumps again.

Gerard leant in slowly and their lips brush. Frank's pulse quickens.

Not allowed.

A patient with a nurse. it's against the rules.

Fuck it.

Frank pressed his lips against Gerard's and he kissed back. Frank was wrong. It's not wrong. He was enjoying it too much for it to be wrong.


Nadia was sitting all alone in her room, in front of the wall. The pocket knife in her hands flicked across the wall and cut deep lines.

She didn't intend to stab anyone. Honest.

But he wouldn't stop talking about his Frank. Non-stop, jabbering on and on and on about how amazing he was and how awesome he was and blah blah BLAH!

Nadia had had enough of hearing about Frank so she retaliated.

And had promptly stabbed Gerard with her fork. How friendly.

The door to Nadia's room clicked open and she spun around at the noise. Two people slipped in stealthily, whispering.

"This is it..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, owen. This is Nadia's room, I'm sure..."

The two figures turned and faced Nadia, who stood up quickly, pocket knife in hand. Standing before her was Owen and Fionnuala. Owen was smiling at her and fionnuala looked bored.

"Owen wanted to visit you but he didn't know where your room was. I was wanderi- um...looking for the bathroom...and decided to help him out."

Nadia walked over, slipping the knife into her pocket. "Don't worry, Finn. I wander all the time" she said quietly, smiling slightly.

Fionnuala gave Nadia a quick, one-armed hug and slipped out the door again. "Bye guys" she whisper-called.

Owen and Nadia waved and then turned to each other. Owen took a deep breath and let it out through his nose. "Nadia, there's something I gotta tell you." he said quietly.

"What is it?" Nadia was worried about Owen's tone. He sounded as though he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders. "You can tell me anything..."

Owen looked down at Nadia and took her hands in his. His palms felt warm against her own cold hands, spreading heat to her fingertips. "Well this isn't easy for me to say but-"

"You read Yaoi?" Nadia said quickly, bracing herself for the answer.

Owen looked stunned and then confused. "Wait...what?" he asked slowly.

Nadia shook her head. "Um...don't worry! Continue." she flapped her hands at him.

Owen took another slow breath and looked Nadia in the eyes. "I think I might love you." he blurted out.

Nadia's eyes widened. Oh shit.

Owen looked down at his hands. "But, uh, I know that you, uh, aren't really supposed to, um, date the staff...." he stuttered, shaking a hand through his messy hair.

"Fuck the rules." Nadia said, throwing her arms around Owen and smiling.

Owen ran a hand through Nadia's hair and held her tight. "Good to know, apple pie." Nadia smiled up at Owen as he leaned in and kissed her.

"Love you, bean bag." she sighed happily

"Love you more."

"I doubt it"

"I love you more"


"Ya huh"


"Are we really doing this?"


Owen laughed and shook his head. "I gotta go" he said, gently lifting Nadia off of him.

Nadia gave him one last hug before he slipped out the door, blowing her a kiss and closing the door quietly.

As Nadia slept that night, she dreamt of good things. No nightmares. Just Owen.



future me hates me


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