Over Again Is Escape

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Bob knocked twice on Gerard’s door and waited. Silence. Sighing, Bob knocked again. Silence. With a frown of concern, Bob leant into the door and called out Gerard’s name. Silence.

Bob grabbed the cold metal of the doorknob and tugged the door open. He scanned the room for Gerard, in the bed, under the bed, behind the bed. The dark-haired mental patient was nowhere to be seen.

Bob stopped and took a deep breath. Maybe he went to the food hall for breakfast? No, it was still an hour until breakfast would be served. Maybe he was outside sketching, maybe with Ray? No, the doors weren’t open until 12. In the kitchens? No, there was no patient access. Private session with the therapist? Not a chance, he hated the bitch. Where the fuck was he?


Bob raced out Gerard’s vacant room and raced down the hall. He made it to the receptionist’s desk, where Kathy sat with her cardigan drawn around her narrow shoulders. “Kathy?” he spat out, leaning over the desk. “Have you seen Gerard Way anywhere?”

Kathy pushed her glasses further up her nose and peered up at Bob. “Sorry, dear. I saw him yesterday but that’s all.” She replied with a concerned twist of the mouth.

Bob sighed and stood up properly. “Thanks anyway, Kathy.” He called, jogging away. “Stay amazing!”

Bob jogged to the kitchens and flung the doors open. “Owen!” he called, standing by a giant pot of what appeared to be tomato soup.

Owen appeared from behind a stack of bowls and waved, a smile lighting his face. “Hey Bob! How you doing, bro?” he called, weaving his way through the kitchen.

“Not so good. You seen Gerard?” Bob asked.

“Um… he was hanging around the doors around twenty minutes ago. I didn’t check the time so I thought nothing of it. Is he alright?” Owen grabbed a dishcloth and dried his hands.

“I’m not sure. I can’t find him anywhere and it isn’t even breakfast yet.” Bob sighed, leaning against a countertop. “I’m so gonna get fired…it was a near miss last time he disappeared.”

Owen flicked him with the dishcloth and smiled. “Stay positive! He could just be hiding from you for the shits and giggles.” He reasoned.

Bob kneaded his eyes with his knuckles and pushed off from the counter. “I should go find him. Find out if it was for the shits and giggles.” With a wave, Bob disappeared from the kitchens.

Frank awoke to a soft, black puppy sitting on his face at eight in the morning. He groaned and pulled Sweet Pea from his face, making her bark in protest. Sweet Pea wriggled from Frank’s grasp and snuggled into his neck. She gave him a happy lick and a flick with her tail then was settled. Frank lay in silence, staring up at the ceiling, Sweet Pea’s warm body pressing into the side of his neck. He didn’t move so he didn’t wake up the now sleeping puppy. Sweet Pea’s nose twitched and made Frank’s neck itch. He reached up and rubbed the spot, making Sweet Pea turn over and shove her butt in Frank’s face.

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