Moving out.

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I was sat at my desk when Toby came running in my room.
He was trying to catch his breath. He held out his phone to me.
T-"look, it's tiktok room. And before you say you don't care about tiktok. It's about nessa."
I took the phone and scrolled threw. People were hating on nessa for doing a dance to a sound she shouldn't have. I looked at the comments and it was just people telling her to kill herself and other hate comments like that.
Me-"omg I feel so bad for her. She is the nicest person ever."
T-"I know maybe you should message her."
Me-"meh, she probs doesn't like me."
T-"dude just text her."
Me-"yeah yeah now leave."
He laughed and walked out. I picked up my phone and went into my contacts. I stared at her number for a while until I decided to text her.

Hey Nessa, you probably don't want to hear for me. But I have see everything that's going on and I wanted you to know I hope your okay and I'm here for you.

Thea it's so good to hear from you. Could I call you?

Um yeah.

Me-"fuck fuck."
I quickly panicked. She probably won't even recognise me. I threw my weed into my draw and put a jumper on to cover my scars up. The phone started ringing. I answered the FaceTime.
She bursted into tears.
Me-"oh ness I'm so sorry I wish I could take all the hate away from you. You don't deserve this."
N-"I didn't mean to do it. It was an accident I promise."
Me-" I believe you. I knew as soon as I saw it that you wouldn't have known."
N-"i miss you T."
N-"yes I haven't been as close with anyone else since you left."
I looked down.
Me-"I miss you too. I'm sorry I stopped talking to you I just had a lot going on in my life. I haven't made any friends."
N-"can we be friends again?"
Me-"you really want that?"
N-"of course I do."
Me-"me too. Of course we can be friends again."
N-"I'm so happy I missed you so much. At least one good thing has come from this dumb mistake. How is New York?"
Me-"shit. I don't want to be here. I want to come back to LA."
N-"I want you to come back too."
Me-"it's not good here. I'm only here because Toby is. How is LA?"
N-"really good, I have moved in with my boyfriend and his friends. It's so fun."
Me-"no way! What does your boyfriend look like."
N-"I'll send you a picture."
She sent me the picture.
Me-"wow Nessa he is hot."
N-"I know. He is so good to me. We have been together for 6 months now."
Me-"awh ness I'm so happy for you."
I heard my mum shouting for me.
Me-"hey ness I have to go but I will talk to you later."
N-"okay bye T."
I ended the call and went down stairs. I walked into the kitchen and my whole family was in there.
Me-"what's going on?"
(D-dad m-mom a-austin t-Toby)
D-"Toby is moving out and moving in with his girlfriend."
My mouth dropped.
Me-"omg I'm so happy for you Toby."
M-"hold on we're not done."
D-"so that means you have to go aswell Thea."
Me-"your kicking me out?"
M-"yes we can't afford to keep you here."
T-"what the fuck."
Me-"you can't do that I'm your daughter."
D-"shut it. You have 2 weeks to be out."
Austin ran to his room crying. I ran out the room and went to my room and Toby carried on shouting at my parents. I'm not surprised they would kick me out. My phone started ringing. I answered it but out it on mute.

N-"hey T I wanted to introduce you to josh."
Josh stood there and waved at me.
J-"hey Thea, Nessa has told me a lot about you."
I just waved because I was in mute.
N-"why you on mute T?"
I didn't answer.
N-"unmute your self T we want to talkkkkk."
I unmuted myself and you could hear all the screaming in the background. Nessa and josh looked at each other then back to the camera. I screamed at the top of my voice to them downstairs.

Me-"sorry about that."
I put my head down.
J-"are you okay?"
N-"what was that about?"
Me-"Toby is moving out so they are kicking me out and I have no where to stay till I find a place so I'm fucked."
N-"shit, I'm so sorry T I wish I could help."
Me-"it's fine I'll just have to move in with Toby for a week or so then move to the streets."
J-"i know we literally just met but I'm not letting you sleep on the streets. Your important to Nessa is your important to me."
Me-"thank you josh but I don't have a choice. They hate me."
J-"I have an idea, I just need to talk to some people. Can we call you back tomorrow?"
Me-"yeah sure."
N-"bye T, we will figure this out. Love you."
Me-"love you too."
I ended the call and led On my bed until I fell asleep.

Nessas pov:

She ended the call and I turned to josh.
Me-"babe wtf do we do and what's your plan."
J-"she could stay here till she finds a place. You said she grew up here so surly that's fine with her."
Me-"what about the boys?"
j-"I will just say someone is coming to stay with us. I won't tell them who or anything just in case they say no. They won't kick her out if she has no where else to go. And plus she is pretty so the single boys won't mind."
I jumped up and kissed him.
Me-"your the best. Thank you so much. Now let's go tell them."
We walked up stairs and found the boys in the kitchen.
J-"guys is it alright is someone comes to stay with us while they hunt for a apartment here?"
B-"yeah sure. Do we know them?"
J-"nah it's one of my mates."
G-"the yeah. There isn't room in the guest room at the moment so he will have to stay with you Nessa and Quinton in your room cuz it's the biggest."
J-"Q is that okay with you."
Q-"yeah as long as he is on the air bed."
J-"okay then I'll just let him know. Cheers guys."
Me and josh walked back down and into my room.
Me-"shit they think she is a male."
J-"oh well when they see her we will just say we forgot to say it was a girl."
Me-"that's so dumb but okay. Can we sleep now?"
J-"yeah come on."

Thea's pov:
I woke up the next morning and decided to go out on Toby's motorcycle. I got changed into this,

I grabbed the keys from his room and headed out

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I grabbed the keys from his room and headed out. I grabbed my helmet and got on the bike. I started it and road to my secret spot, it was a lake in the woods. I arrived and parked up the bike. I put my headphones in and just looked out at the lake. I stayed there for a few hours and as I was about to get up my phone started ringing.

N-"we have a plan."
J-"your might hate it."
Me-"if it means I don't have to sleep on the streets then it's okay."
N-"come stay with us in LA."
Me-"are you serious."
J-"our house is big enough and you can sleep on an air bed in our room."
N-"and we know how much you miss LA."
Me-"I will get to see my uncle!"
N-"is that a yes?"
Me-"fuck yeah. You guys are the best."
J-"there is one condition. You have to make a tiktok because that's like all we do here."
Me-"yeah sure. When can I come?"
N-"whenever you want."
Me-"can I come tomorrow, I can't be here any longer."
J-"yeah sure, if you just book the flight we will pick you up at the other end."
Me-"omg I'm so excited. I haven't been this happy in like 3 years."
N-"we'll see you soon bye T."
I ended the call and rode the bike home as fast as I could. I was so excited. I got home and opened the door and ran to the living room.
Me-"I'm moving out tomorrow. I'm going back to LA?"
M-"how can you afford that?"
Me-"I have some friends."
D-"great the sooner the better."
Me-"fuck you."
I ran up to Austin's room.
Me-"hey buddy."
Me-"I have some bad news. I'm moving out Tomorrow."
A-"fuck sake."
Me-"I'm so sorry, you can come visit me when ever you want."
A-"yeah ok."
He turned away from me so I went into my room to pack. I grabbed my shitty suitcase and started throwing all my clothes in it. I managed to fit my skateboard in and I put all of my cigarettes and money in aswell. I put my meds in my bag and then I was all packed. My room was empty anyway and now it had nothing in it apart from a wardrobe and bed. I couldn't wait to leave this shit hole. Toby came into my room.
T-"hey, woah your packed. Why?"
Me-"I'm moving in with Nessa tomorrow."
T-"shit no way. I'm happy for you."
Me-"wanna take austin for ice cream before I leave?"
He nodded and we went to get austin. We went to the car and started driving to the ice cream shop ind town. We got there and all chose different flavours.
A-"I'm going to really miss you T."
Me-"I'm going to miss you aswell."
A-"and you Toby. You guys are leaving me with the evil queen and king."
We all laughed and finished eating our ice cream. I was getting late so we started going home while singing to our playlist. We got home and found out parents passed out from drinking too much in the couch. I waked upstairs and went to bed.

Let me know what your thinking about the first chapter.

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