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*A month later*

Q-"come on babe get uppppp."
He grabbed the covers and tried to pull them off me, I held them tight.
Q-"come on we have to leave for playlist in 4 hours."
Me-"exactly 3 hours so I can stay in bed until then."
Q-"no, we have to go get your cast off and then shower, pack and go to target."
I groaned and sat up.
Q-"yayyyy she is up."
He leant down and kissed me.
Q-"come on get change."
He started to walk over to my clothes.
He turners the other way and went to his closet. He grabbed some sweats and a hoodie. I smiled as he handed me them. I quickly got changed and brushed my teeth. I walked out and Quinton was sat on the bed on his phone. He looked up and smiled.
Q-"your so pretty."
Me-"are you insane. I haven't even brushed my hair, I look like a homeless person."
Q-"a beautiful homeless person."
I laughed and walked over to him. I grabbed his hand and we walked downstairs.
B-"hey guys- what's wrong with you?"
Me-"I was dragged out of bed."
Q-"you have to get your cast off."
Me-"shhhhh, your not allowed to talk to me."
B-"you have you hands full Quinn."
Q-"it's worth it."
Bryce laughed and walked off. Quinton grabbed his keys and guided me to his car. He opened the door and I got in. He walked around the other side and got in. I turned to him.
Me-"thank you."
I kissed him and he smiled. He rested his hand on my thigh while I played with the rings on his fingers and drove to the hospital. We arrived and got out the car, he held my hand as we walked in and got seated in a room.
Me-"I can't wait to finally get this thing off."
Q-"tell me about it."
I laughed and the nurse walked in. She got everything ready to take it off and started cutting it off. Once it was done she gave me some exercises to do to build up muscle strength. After an hour in the hospital we walked back to the car.
Me-"I need coffee now."
Q-"did you mean, can we go get coffee please?"
Me-"yeah that's what I meant."
He started driving to dunkin and we got out coffee. We sang to music on the way home. Not long after we arrived back at the house. Everyone was sat in the same room.
Me-"this is weird."
J-"we need to ask you something T..."
Me-"if your kicking me out I understand I have been looking at a place not far from here-"
B-"woahhhh T we're not kicking you out."
Me-"your not?"
G-"we would never do that."
Q-"we were going to ask if you wanted to move in with us, like for good?"
They nodded and I screamed. I hugged them all and kissed Quinton on the cheek.
Jd-"is that a yes?"
Me-"I would love to live with you guys."
They all cheered.
Q-"come on we need to pack."
We walked upstairs to our room.
Me-"so this is our room now."
Q-"babe lest be real it's been our room since we moved in here."
I grabbed my suitcase from under the bed and got it ready to pack.
Q-"wait I got you a present."
Me-"you did?"
He went out the room and cane back with a new suitcase,

"Me-"you did?"He went out the room and cane back with a new suitcase,

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Q-"we can match now."
I ran and jumped on him, I showered him in kissed.
Me-"thank you so much, I love you."
Q-"I love you too, now let's pack so we can have a shower."
He winked at me and I smirked back.
I turned around and started to pack a bunch of clothes for playlist and some extra things for the night. After 30 mins I finished packing.
I giggled and he walked up to me. He grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine. I melted into him. We broke the kiss and walked over to the bathroom. We stripped off all our clothes and got into the shower. I turned it on and covered myself in piping hot water. I started to rub Quintons body all over while kissing his neck, he let out gentle moans into my ear. I traced kisses all down his body until I reached his cock. I rubbed my hands up and down and placed my mouth around his length. He wrapped his hand in my hair and pushed my head further in. I continued to suck until he pulled me back up. He smashed his lips onto me and grabbed my ass, "Jump" he said so I did. He held me up and pinned me against the shower wall. I whispered in his ear, "I'm on the pill now." He smirked at me and slammed me down onto his dick. I let out a huge moan. He pumped himself into me hard and fast, moaning in sync. He kissed my neck and I threw my head back, he came inside of me.
Q-"fuck I love you."
Me-"I know."
We finished up in the shower and got out. I dried myself off and got changed into Quintons hoodie and sweats. He walked out and I sat on the bed.
Q-"is there any point in you having Your our own clothes when all you do is where mine?"
Me-"not really to be honest."
We laughed until someone shouted up to us.
"Quinn, T, coach is here."
We grabbed our bags and headed for the door. We walked down the stairs and Bryce was waiting for us.
Q-"where are the others?"
B-"not down yet so you have first pick of the seats."
Me-"ooo yay."
I grabbed Quinton by the hand and dragged him out the door, Bryce laughed at us. We put our bags on the coach and got on.
Me-"can we sit at the back so I can sleep on you?"
Q-"if that's what you want babe."
I squealed and ran to the back. We sat down and shortly after the others joined us in other bus. We started driving, it was about a 7 hour drive so me and Quinton fell asleep. Nessa and avani took a picture of us and posted it on their Snapchat stories,

 Nessa and avani took a picture of us and posted it on their Snapchat stories,

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josh woke us up to tell us we were coming up to a store to get supplies. A few minutes later we came to a stop. We got off the coach and went inside target me and Quinton walked away from the others and said hello to some fans were picking up some snacks. Once we paid for our supplies we headed back to the coach and got back to our seats. We had about three hours left so we decided to just go on TikTok and Instagram for the rest of the ride. I made some cute tiktoks of me and Quinton and posted them on my spam account I had recently made, it only had 34k followers. I decided to call toby and Austin as well so we could have a quick catch up, Quinton didn't mind because he liked both of them and they liked him to. After a long drive we finally reach the hotel. Once we got off the bus we were completely surrounded by fans but security quickly escorted us to the private area. Our manager gave us our keys I was in a room with Quinton josh and Nessa. The other boys either went with one another or with their girlfriends. We got up to our rooms and unpacked it was the evening so we decided to just stay inside our room and watch the movies. Josh and nessa didn't fall asleep on the coach  so they fell asleep during one of the movies I noticed before Quinton and turned it down so that we wouldn't disturb them.
Q-"why did you do that?"
Me-"shhhhh, look."
I pointed over to them and he nodded his head at me.
Q-"ohhhhh. Wanna call it a night aswell?"
Me-"mhm. I'm the small spoon."
I rolled over so my back was against him and he wrapped his arms around me and played with my hair. He buried his head in my neck and I could feel his warm breath.
Me-"night babe, I love you."
Q-"I love you too."

Sorry this took me so long I just did my acrylics so I'm really sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. I hope you're enjoying the story and don't forget to give it a vote. ❤️

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