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I sat up on the counter eating my ice cream. I heard someone say "Bryce?" Before opening the door.
Me-"do I look like Bryce. Oh hey."
Q-"sorry I didn't know you were in here."
Me-"where are you sleeping?"
Q-"I just thought it's what was best."
He went to walk out the room.
Me-"wait. Quinton please talk to me."
He turned to face me.
Q-"what Thea. What do you want me to say. You obviously can't make your mind up so just forget it."
Q-"I'll just sleep on the couch for now."
He was about to leave when I whispered "fuck". I jumped off the counter and ran up behind him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer. I smashed my lips onto his, he kissed me for a few seconds until he pulled away.
Q-"T I can't."
Me-"what. You kissed me yesterday."
Q-"yeah and you ran away to tayler. I saw you in his arms with his hoodie."
Me-"I had his hoodie because I ran out the house in my bra because I thought the guy I liked had a girlfriend. Also I fell into him and he caught me but you didn't let me explain."
Q-"wait you like me?"
Me-"shit did I say that out load."
I moved back, out of his embrace and got back on the counter. He walked over to me and placed himself in-between my legs and looked at me in the eyes.
Q-"so you like me."
Q-"why did you run?"
Me-"I'm scared Q. I can't get hurt again."
Q-"what did this guy do to you?"
Me-"he made me feel worthless, unwanted. He made me push everyone away, I hated myself because of him. I lost myself."
Q-"well he is a dick. You are the most perfect girl I have ever seen."
I blushed. I was still on the counter but our faces were level. He leaned in and kissed me. It was special and I wanted it so bad. I deepened our kiss, he slid his tongue into my mouth. I put my hands around his neck and ran my fingers threw his hair. He had one hand on my neck and the other on my ass. It was getting really heated when the light suddenly turned on. We broke the kiss and looked towards the door.
B-"um this is awkward."
I put my head into quintons shoulder.
Q-"dude, really."
B-"I'm leaving, chill bro."
He left the room.
He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He proceeded to carry me upstairs and into josh and Nessas room. We were trying to be quite but when he put me onto the bed we both laughed.
Me-"your dreaming. So back to sleep."
Josh went back to sleep and me and Quinton we're trying to hold back out laugh. We got into bed and I fell asleep on quintons chest with him running his hands through my hair.

The next morning I worked up still on Quinton. I looked up and he was asleep. I slowly grabbed my phone and opened tiktok. I was getting lots of comments saying,
She wants the whole crew.
I ship her with tayler #doubleT
I ship her with Quinton #QT
She can't make her mind up. Slut.
I like the comment that said #QT. I then saw I was getting tagged on a tiktokroom post. I had a look and it was me and taylers tiktok. The fans noticed I had his hoodie on.
Looks like Thea and tayler are getting close, she even has his hoodie on. #doubleT.
I commented back,
Me and tayler are only friends. I'm not interested In him in that way and I'm sure he feels the same. I only had his hoodie on because I left the house in little clothing. He helped me out by bring me a hoodie because we were going to meet at the track anyway. I am only interested in one boy and one boy only.
As I posted my comment Quinton started waking up.
Me-"morning sleepy."
Q-"morning, what you doing?"
Me-"addressing rumours."
I showed him my phone and he smiled.
Q-"well I need to shower."
He got up, he was only in grey sweats. As he stood up I noticed he had a boner. I giggled.
Me-"um Q."
I was about to tell him when all the others walked through the door. I launched myself out of bed and stood in front of him. I could feel it poking my ass.
Jd-"we're going in the pool if you guys wanna come."
A-"what are you doing T?"
Q-"yeah T. What are you doing."
I reached behind me and grabbed it. I felt him tense up. I then felt a pair of arms wrap round me.
Me-"I just wanted a hug."
G-"okay then. We will be outside."
They all left. I turned around.
Me-"really, now!"
Q-"I can't help it. It's your fault."
I laughed and looked down. It was really big.
Q-"like what you see."
I leaned in and kissed him. He friend to deepen the kiss but I backed up and walk away to get my bikini on.
Q-"your really going to tease me like that. While I have a hard on."
Me-"I don't know what you mean."
Q-"are you going to help me then."
He said looking down and his boner and then back up to me.
Me-"hmmmm. No."
Q-"fuck sake. I'll be a few minutes."
He walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I laughed to myself. I put this on,

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