XXVII: Et Tu Brute- new/updated

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As commanded, all four people and one disheveled android appeared on the bridge of the S.S. Olympus the teleporter light faded gently behind them. Zeus smiled at them in welcome, but his eyes reflected darker intentions. "Welcome home. It looks like you all had a bumpy ride." He paused, scanning them, "you failed to acquire the gorgon."

It was Artemis who stepped forward, still clutching her chest and wincing in pain. Her voice was tight, "The Gorgon managed to escape. We were in the process of planning a retrieval mission when you called us back."

"Well, forgive me," He groaned unemphatically. "I called you here because, "He paused as he formulated the appropriate explanation, "I was worried. No one had reported in for hours." His suspicion filled eyes fell on Hades. "How is the S.S. Inferis?" his tone was laden with hidden meanings.

"It needs a lot of work," Hades replied bluntly. Hades' lips stretched tightly in an almost invisible line, and his eyes lightly whirled in anger. He shifted away from Artemis as if in anticipation of her next words, but they never came.

"I bet it does," Zeus jeered, his eyes twinkling. He scanned Apollo and Artemis. Under the pressure of his gaze, wet and painful coughing seized Apollo and bent his body in agony, "Hera dear."

A whisper of off white silk followed Hera as she moved to Zeus' side, "yes?"

She appeared. "It looks like these two require some medical assistance. That gas they were exposed to can be deadly if the victim undergoes heavy exposure."

"Indeed," Hades' eyes lined with suspicion as his gaze met Zeus'.

"How would you know about the gas?" Cornelia inquired as her two friends disappeared.

"I have my ways, my little Roman 'ambassador.'" He paused and smiled broadly at her. Despite its warmth, something sent a chill down her spine. "Speaking of which, I have someone who dearly misses you." He pressed on the com, "come in."

In strode was the last person Cornelia ever wanted to see. "Gastonus," she hissed. Fear and desperation clutched at her heart, suffocating her soul. Her fingers touched the hilt of her gladius and tore it from its shieth. The sword leveled directly at his neck, and she took a fighting stance, dropping her weight to her back heel.

"Easy girlie," Gastonus shot her his most debonaire smile, "I am here on personal business."

Hades stood in front of Cornelia, "What kind of business?"

"The marrying kind," Zeus said with a mischievous smirk.

Cornelia felt her heart sink to the floor, her body with it. A sense of utter defeat overwhelmed her. Despite everything I have suffered, and those I have saved. My fate remains the same.

Lightning danced around Hades' hands. "You will not touch her. You foul-mouthed whore-mongering son of a cow!"

"Oh, I can," Gastonus snarled at Hades as he overtly traced his gaze up and down Cornelia's figure, "and I will, many times," He spoke as he attempted to snake his way around Hades. He used a solitary finger to stroke Cornelia's cheek. Blinding blue lighting flashed and surrounded Gastonus, causing him to jerk and scream, "I have a contract."

"Stop!" Zeus boomed. The volume of his command shook the room and shattered all of Cornelia's hopes for salvation.

"Control your dog, your holiness," Gastonus growled as he picked himself up from the ground.

"Oh, I plan to." Zeus smiled and rapped his fingers on his captain's chair. His gaze trailed off to the large window at the front of the ship. He spoke but addressed no one in particular. "See Hades did something unfortunate, something he should have left well enough alone, but here we are." He paused for effect and slowly focused his gaze on Hades.

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