Chapter 29 ~ Ian

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A/N: Heads up: this chapter got more explicit than I thought it would--it's hard to keep Sam in line. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤


Maria's chair clatters backward to the floor as she rises abruptly. Taking an unsteady step towards the woman in the doorway, she reaches towards her with a shaking hand.


"Who else?" the other replies with a weary grin. "Now who wants to tell me what in hell is going on?"

"Mom!" Jack and Elliot exclaim as one, leaping up and striding to take Inez in a shared embrace. Cass and Sofia follow suit, though they hang back a little, giving the brothers room.

"What the Hell, Mom? Where have you been?" Elliot asks, his voice muffled and thick with emotion.

"You know where," Inez replies, patting and rubbing her boys' backs and sounding a little confused. "I went to pick up the supplies. I was on my way home, and I must'a blacked out or something—had one a' my episodes. Next thing I know I'm standing outside the lodge. I must'a walked the whole way home," she laughs. "No wonder I'm so damned tired."

"Mom," Jack says, releasing his hold on her to cup her face in his hands. "You've been missing for a week. We found your car. We... We thought you were dead."

His voice breaks and he hugs her again.

"A week?" Inez shakes her head. "That can't be..."

"It's true, 'Nez," Maria says, her voice watery and rough with tears. "We've been searching for you day and night, and then Ian and the boys here found your car, all burnt to Hell, and we thought..."

"Ian?" Inez asks sharply, registering my presence fully for the first time. "Ian Foley?"

"In the flesh," I say, rising and extending my hand. "I'm very pleased to meet you, ma'am. I didn't expect I'd have the privilege, given the look of things."

"And these?" she nods at Carlos and Sam.

"They're with me," I confirm, stepping back to rest my hand on Sam's shoulder, feeling more possessive and defensive than is probably called for. After what happened this afternoon, though, I think I can be excused if my feelings are a little raw.

Her eyes skip over Carlos and settle on Sam. She studies him for a moment and then blinks as though to clear her vision.

"Y'all aren't just messing with me, huh?" she says. "It's really been a week?"

Everyone confirms that it has.

"Well...I'll be..." She stumbles a little, and Jack and Elliot both move to offer her support.

"Whoa, Mom, let's get you set down," Elliot says, guiding her to a chair. "Have Cass check you over."

Leading her to one of the more comfortable, upholstered leather chairs in one of the sitting areas, the brothers sit her down while Cass runs through a quick check.

"Can't be sure without all the proper instruments," they say after a minute or so, patting Inez on the arm, "but as far as I can tell you seem fine."

"'Nez...where have you been?" Maria asks, kneeling beside the chair. "I swear we searched every damn inch of ground in a twenty-mile radius, and there was no trace of you anywhere. You must remember something."

Inez just shakes her head. "I swear, I don't. I picked up the supplies, started on the drive back, and then...Now."

"Well, I don't understand it," Maria says, smiling "but it's a goddamned miracle. Second one today, in fact." She glances at Sam. "It's about time we had some good luck."

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