Chapter 45 ~ Ian

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"How old is he, Ian?" Julian Hart, my once-lover and now friend, asks cautiously.

We're leaning against the low wooden rail that encircles the little training arena, watching my cousin introduce Sam to her two newest horses—Olive and Pits. Apparently, Olive is a sweetheart and Pits is...not.

Sam is entranced.

"Twenty-one," I say, answering his question.

"Jesus, Ian..."

"And also, like, four thousand or something," I add.


He'll explain it," I say, shrugging. "You'll probably understand better than I do, anyway."

Julian watches Sam pet the horses, frowning slightly. "He's not human," he says at last, as though reaching a decision on the matter.

"He is, and he isn't," I agree. "Kind of like you, actually."

A reluctant smile twists his mouth. "Fair enough."

He turns towards me, studying my damaged face.

"I'm happy for you, Ian," he says. "Sorry you got hurt, but happy you found what you needed. You look...better. On the inside, I mean."

"Not on the outside, though, eh?" My laugh carries a hint of regret.

"The outside's not so bad," Julian says. "You're like a pirate—it's kinda sexy, matter of fact." He winks playfully and reaches over to gently trace the scars marring my face.

"Hey! No touching! That's mine!" Sam storms over, all puffed up with angry kitten vibes, and Julian backs away with a laugh.

"No worries, kid. I got my own. This one's all yours."

"I'm not a kid, fairy-boy," Sam retorts, and I sigh.

Sam had taken one look at Julian and decided to be a jealous little shit ("He's too pretty," he'd complained. "It shouldn't be allowed.").

Even after I'd assured him that Julian had only quite recently stopped hating my guts, and that his mate would happily eviscerate anyone that got too close, he'd maintained his unfriendly suspicions.

It was only after he'd met Dane Hunter that he'd realized he had no reason to be jealous—a fact I was both grateful for and a little offended by.

Still, he was fiercely territorial, and seemed frequently compelled to remind everyone just who, exactly, belonged to whom. Unfortunately, Julian thought it was cute, and provoked him on purpose now and then.

"'Fairy-boy?'" he repeats now, eyebrows raised. "That's rich, coming from you...demon-spawn."

Sam's dark eyes widen in surprise, and Julian laughs.

"So I'm right?" he asks, grinning.

We hadn't quite gotten around to the whole "Sam's a demon" thing just yet, but nothing stayed hidden from Julian for long.

When we take too long to answer, he grins and hits me lightly on the arm. "Shit, Ian. Looks like you've got your hands full with this one."

He has no idea.


"Are you sure you'll be okay, driving all that way by yourself?" Sam asks, as Carlos prepares to depart in his rented car.

He's going home for a bit, to finish patching things up with Toni and arrange for a more permanent move.

"Should be," he says, fingering the amulet at his throat. "Actually, nothing's really bothered me since the death-bringer. It was so powerful, I think maybe it did something to me—made it so not every key fits my lock, so to speak."

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