Definitely fun

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This is just a drawing I decided to do to give a visual of what the dress looks like on her, I thought it looked Okay ^^ -Author


I head back inside, wondering what it was they had planned, and who had planned it other than Lena. Once I get to the break room, I find Lena sitting with a few others. She beckons for me to go to them and I do, noticing that she's sitting with Mei, Fareeha, Angela, Hana, and a woman with long brown hair whom I don't recognize.

"Heya, luv!" Says Lena, waving at me.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask, sitting in between Mei and Fareeha.

"We were planning on a shopping trip! I don't know if anyone's told you, but Jack and Winston are planning on holding a sort of dance in a couple weeks!" She says, and I nod.

"Heh, that sounds fun. By the way, who's this?" I ask, nodding towards the brunette, and the latter speaks.

"I'm Brigitte. I'm sure my father has told you about me? If not him, I'm sure Reinhardt has." She says, and realization dawns on my face.

"Oh! Of course. Both Torbjörn and Reinhardt have told us quite a bit about you. I guess I just never saw a picture. It's a pleasure to meet you, nonetheless." I say, and I shake hands with Brigitte.

"You too! I'm glad we could finally meet!" She says with a smile, and I nod as Lena speaks again.

"So, whaddya say, luv? Wanna go on a little shopping spree?" She asks, and I laugh.

"Sure, just so long as Symmetra won't be there." I say, and though Lena shakes her head, Mei speaks.

"She actually asked if you would be going before we called you. When we said that the answer was most likely yes, she said that then her answer would most likely be no."

"Yeah, what's up with you two?" Asks Hana, raising an eyebrow. I sigh.

"I don't know. I just don't like her and she doesn't like me. And to be honest, I don't care." I say with a shrug; Lena nods.

"That's understandable. As soon as I met her, I knew that the two of you wouldn't get along if you came back." She says, and then Angela speaks up.

"Well, if we really are going, then we'd better get going. I'm sure we'll want plenty of time to pick our outfits for whatever those two are planning."

"Any dress code?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"Not exactly. Jack only said that everyone has to dress formally, and that it's mandatory for everyone to attend." As she says that, my thoughts wander to Junkrat. I giggle; He's not going to like that.

"Well, what are we waiting for, then? Let's go!" Fareeha exclaims, standing up, and the rest of us follow suit, heading out.

-le time skip brought to you by canon Hanzo's arrogance-

At the mall, I follow Lena, Mei and Hana, while Angela and Fareeha take Brigitte to a different store than the one we're going to. After a while of looking around, Lena started to help me look for a dress.

"All right, let's see... ooh! Jade, look! Whaddya think about this one?" She holds up a very loud pink dress, and I jokingly shield my eyes.

"God, Lena! Are you trying to blind me?" She laughs at my joke.

"Yeah, you're right, pink never was your color, was it?" She puts it back, and, two seconds later, she squeals. "Look at this, luv!" This time, she holds up a black velvet halter top dress with slits in the skirt that look like they would go at least halfway up my thighs.

"Lena, don't you think that would be a bit.... revealing?" I ask, and she gives me her signature evil grin.

"Well, I mean, I thought you might want to look good for him." I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Who?" I ask; Lena giggles.

"You know, your boyfriend~" She trills, and I laugh.

"Who the hell are you talking about?" I ask, and she giggles.

"Oh, come on, we all know you and Junkrat have something going on, luv~" At this, I blush. How in the world did she get that idea? I mean, yeah, I've warmed up to him a little, but him? My Boyfriend?! Please.

"Ha! He wishes."

"Ooh, you go, girl! Work that sass!" Says Hana, just now coming back with her dress hung neatly off her forearm. I laugh and take the dress Lena is holding out for me.

"Well, I guess I'd better try it on, huh? It does look better than that bubblegum shit you showed me two minutes ago." Lena laughs as the three of us head to the changing rooms so me and Lena can try on what we had picked out. I look myself in the mirror after I change into the dress, and find that it not only shows quite a bit of leg on both sides, but it also shows a bit of cleavage, which I'm not entirely happy about, but at the same time, it's the best one I've seen so far, and it fits me rather well- and by that, I mean it's tight. But I guess I'll just go with it. All of a sudden, I hear Mei's voice.

"Jade, come out! We want to see how you look!" I sigh and gather my confidence before walking out of the dressing room. When they see me, Lena starts jumping up and down with joy, Mei covers her mouth with a small "Wow", and Hana's jaw drops.

"You look amazing, luv!" Says Lena, still bouncing.

"Thanks. I guess I'll just go with this one. It's the best one so far." I reply, and the three of them suddenly have the same evil grin Lena had earlier. I roll my eyes. "Guys, shut up about that! There's nothing going on between us. We're just friends." Hana giggles.

"Famous last words, Jade." She says as I head back into the changing room to get back into my normal clothes. I come out of the changing room with my dress slung over my forearm, and we head to the checkout. After paying, we meet up with Angela, Brigitte, and Fareeha, then head to some other stores to look around and possibly buy some other things and have lunch. All in all, we just started messing around until we went back to base, had dinner, and called it a night.

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