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"Stokeley I have good news!" I said as I almost busted my ass because I was running down the stairs so fast

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"Stokeley I have good news!" I said as I almost busted my ass because I was running down the stairs so fast. Ski was in his home studio which was in the basement of his house working on music. I could see him jump at the sound of my voice so I laughed.

"Damn mama do you have to yell?" he said turning around to face me in the computer chair.

"Says the nigga that be yelling in his songs," I said laughing.

"That's different," he said laughing with me and patting his lap signaling me to sit on his lap. I went and sat on his lap and wrapped one of my arms around his neck.

"Well after sending in two great interviews from both you and Jahseh and doing a bit of convincing my boss agreed to give me a transfer," I said clapping my hands together in excitement.

"Word?" he said pulling me closer towards his chest.

"Yeah that means we can be closer together," I said pecking his lips quickly.

"That so good. So now what do you want to do now that you're stuck we me?" he said flashing me a smile.

"Uhm I'm not sure," I said thinking about it.

"Can we go shopping?" he said patting my thigh a few times to signal me to get up. I got out his lap and followed him back upstairs.

"Yeah sure. I'm already dressed for the day," I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay let me go get my slides," he said rushing to his room. Mammuah jumped on my leg signaling me to pick her up. I grabbed her and she licked my face a bit as I rubbed behind her ears. Stokeley came bouncing down the stairs soon after.

"Can we take her with us?" 

"Yeah but you gotta watch her," he said opening the door that leads to the garage for me. I went through and stood by the passenger door with Mammuh in hand. Stokeley unlocked the door and opened it for me. Once I was in he closed the door behind me and got in himself.


Stokeley and I finally got to the mall and were hand in hand while I held Mammuh in the other.

"Where do you wanna go first?" I said looking at Stokeley. He was looking mad good although he was dressed relaxed right now.

"Uhm lets go to the Louis Vuitton store first"

"Alright," I said as he led me to the elevators.

 Once we got there I pressed the button. We waited for a few seconds before the elevator door opened. There was a woman already in the elevator when it opened. She had to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She was a really pretty light-skinned woman. I stepped into the elevator but was pulled back by Stokeley. I scrunched my eyebrows up and looked at him. He was just starring at the woman with eyes of confusion and anger.

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