Chapter 22 Erika

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Sunlight poured into her room. The beams shining onto her face and waking her up. Did I not pull the blinds last night? I always close them on the weekend...

"Oh fuck." Erika groaned as she messaged her throbbing temples. Memories of the night before came flooding back to her. Tears began to pool as she remembered how much of a fool she had made of herself. Stefan gave her the best kiss ever and she panicked. If he didn't think she was immature and childish, he sure did now. Especially since now he knows she's still a virgin.

Every one of her classmates had tossed their v-card at least a year ago, except for her. It's not like she didn't try, she just never felt a connection strong enough to want to go all the way. Until now, and he probably doesn't want anything to do with her now. Erika tossed a pillow in frustration and screamed into another. "AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!"

After dragging herself out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom. She was in desperate need of a shower. Stefan's cologne clung to her skin and her face felt puffy from crying plus, God only knows what her makeup looks like now. Steam filled the bathroom as she stripped off her dress and out some of her favorite lavender oil in the bottom of the shower. She scrubbed through her hair and then just sat down, letting the hot water pour over her. It washed away all her tension as the aromatherapy soothed her head. Soon, lavender replaced the scent of spices and pine trees that reminded her of him.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she silently cried, letting them take away the remaining feelings of the night before. Her heart longed to be back in Stefan's arms. He made her feel safe and warm, something she desperately wanted right now. She didn't care that there was 8 years between them. He acted like he didn't either as he made her laugh more than she had in years. He even inspired to paint. But now, she had ruined everything. He wouldn't want her now.

The whole weekend, Erika kept to herself. It was easy as Manon was busy trying to save her gallery opening as a prize piece was delivered ruined. She busied herself in the gym, blasting Ruelle as she lifted weights and ran to get her mind off Stefan. That night, she passed out on her couch while watching the Breakfast Club. Sunday morning, she woke up late and continued to binge old movies on Netflix.

Monday morning, Erika struggled to focus on her classes, anxiously staring out the windows instead. All she could think about was what was to happen once she got to art class. Would he try to talk to her or ignore her completely? It took everything in her not to bolt out the door once the bell rang. Sitting in her usual spot, she waited for Stefan to show. Her classmates filtered in slowly, beginning to whisper when the bell sounded and their teacher neglected to show. Her heart jumped when the door opened only to fall when an older woman walked in instead. They had a sub? That meant Stefan wasn't going to show. What if he didn't come back? Was it because of her?

Chloe and Naomi tried to get her to talk as she retreated further into herself as the week went on. Stefan didn't come back at all that week and her guilt only grew each day he didn't show. Her friends were worried but she couldn't tell them the true reason. The weekend was spent just like the last, nothing but Netflix.

Manon noticed and called her out once she got home from school.

"Everything ok E?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Erika threw a reply over her shoulder as she entered the house.

"Obviously not. You've been moping around all week."

"I don't know. I guess I'm just getting anxious for graduation." She hated lying but she couldn't tell her the truth.

"I see. You still don't know what you want to do after huh?" Manon asked her. It was true that Erika didn't know what she wanted. She hadn't thought that far ahead as every time she tried, she got anxious.

"No, I don't."

"Pursue your art! You have the talent and I know you'd be happier if you would just let yourself."

"Maybe." Erika shrugged.

"You didn't say now." Manon teased. "Have you tried talking to Mr. McConnell? I'm sure he could help you. Seems to have already gotten you further than I have." The sound of his name sent a stake right through her heart.

"Uh, no. I haven't."

"Alright, just thought it might help. Anyways, I supposed to go to Berlin tomorrow to meet with a client. I can cancel if you need me." The concern in her eyes made Erika feel guilty. They were always honest with each other but this was one time she couldn't be.

"No, don't cancel. You love Berlin and I don't want to ruin your trip. I'll be fine, I promise." She offered a smile that helped convince her aunt.

"Alright, but one call and I'm right back here in a second." Manon hugged her. She may not be her mom but she really did care.

"Thank you, Manon, for everything."

"Of course E. I love you."

"I love you too."

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