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~2 Person~

    A day after your "interesting" car ride went well. You got a tour of the house, the others had been there before. And you annoyed them when making tiktoks, it was a really fun time. But during the 2 days you noticed something, you started to become more aware of Amanda. You were really good friends with her, but it was like when she smiled the room got brighter, if that is possible. It was like those fanfics online, which was really weird.(ha...ha....) But you just pushed it aside.

   You sat up and stretched. Getting up you yawned and walked out to the kitchen. Everyone was asleep except you. Then You got your coffee and sat down on the couch, sipping the hot coffee occasionally, not to burn your mouth. It was half way through your coffee when Amanda came out into the living room. She had her glasses on, messy hair, a white tee-shirt and black shorts that came up to her mid thigh. Still in your groggy state all you could think was 'Fuck, she's pretty.' You couldn't tell if it was the hot coffee or Amanda why you were blushing. 

   "Morning (Y/N)..." She mumbled out, walking to the kitchen. Pouring a cup of coffee she yawned and stretched, her shirt lifted up. Que the internal screaming; gladly you were getting out of your groggy state. She walked over and sat next to you, sipping the coffee occasionally. Uptown and Kion were the next to walk out, then Liz  and finally Rachel and Nikki. After waking up, You guys needed to go grocery shopping. 

    Liz made the list,  and with you being some what childish you asked for chocolate milk. It was good okay?! Kion and Rachel agreed with you on the chocolate milk.  After making the list and getting ready we headed out to the store. On the way there you didn't sit on Amanda's lap, yay? You didn't want to but if it was need to go places you wouldn't... Back on track It was almost the same but Amanda was driving, you were in the passenger seat and Liz was on the ground in front of you. 

   The trip was interesting to say the least; You and Kion put random things in the cart just to annoy the others. "Do we need those kid leashes for you guys?" Rachel asked no one in particular. "No" you said as Kion slipped animal crackers into the cart and ran off. You followed giggling. On the way back you guys sang and danced (as much as you could in a car) to the songs on the radio. When you guys got back and out of the car, you brought the groceries, it became a competition of who could carry the most bags in at one time. You won and were very happy and rubbed it in the others' faces. After putting away the groceries were put away the day went smoothly; until Amanda started make drinks. Not that they were bad but drunk you was more honest? But being the idiot you were you thought 'A few drinks wont hurt...'

   But you were very very wrong. You had 4-5 drinks and well... yeah, you were drunk. While you were in the process of drinking those drinks you got closer to Amanda, really close. You were currently sitting on Amanda, the others noticed but being drunk themselves they didn't talk about it. Your arm was around her shoulders; and in your intoxicated state you were fascinated by them. You moved so you had your hands on her shoulders and were caressing them. 

"What are you doing?" She said with a giggle looking at you. 

"You... you know how men have bigger shoulders then women, yours are big and ...haha, I love them...." You slurred out and looked up at her eyes. They were beautiful.She wasn't drunk as you, right now she was a deep shade of red. Slowly your hands moved to her collar bone then just above her chest. 

"You are so drunk, I should walk you to the room." Amanda said more to her self then any one else. She slipped her hands under your legs and behind your back. Then she picked you up,"Hey I'm going to put her to bed." "Okay." Nikki said with a giggle, which caused the others to giggle as well. She turned around and walked to the room.

(A/N)- So It gets more mature from here, you have been warned. Also this is my first time writing something like this, Lets do this. ;)

  Amanda set you on the bed but you grabbed her, she fell on the bed. You got on her straddling her waist before she could protest you kissed her. It was sloppy and passionate, after a couple seconds she melted into it. She run her tongue along your bottom lip, you let her in and fought for dominance. Amanda won and flipped your positions. You stopped gasping for air, it was the best kiss you have had. 

"Before I go any further, do you want me to continue?" She asked in a low voice next to your ear. It sent shivers down your spine. You nodded and put your hand in her hair, kissing her deeply. Amanda's hands moved to your hips, when you felt that you started to grind your hips against hers. She started to bite and suck on your neck this earned a soft moan from your lips. She stopped and kissed where she left the hickey. Amanda kissed you again, it felt so good. She groaned into the kiss. "Your so pretty love," She whispered in your ear" And we can finish this when you aren't drunk off your ass."You whined in response but accepted it. She pulled you into her. You could hear her heart beat and breathing, it was like a lullaby and made you drift off to sleep.


Hi! We are here, finally! Sorry you didn't go all the way but I thought i will make a full chapter of that... Any way, thanks for reading and 1.4K views like what?! See you in the next chapter!- The (Awkward) Author

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