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(spicy warning in this chapter)

   The next two days you clung on to Amanda. You knew you would have to leave soon. The next to nights you cuddled with her, just like at the con she was warm and made you feel safe. You admit it you were a blanket hog but it was part of your charm. 

  Sadly it was the last day you would be there. Your flight was at three so you had more time but you wanted to be with Amanda and the others all the time. After your fourth? or was it fifth? cup of coffee; you went to pack up your stuff. While you were packing Amanda came up and hugged you from behind, nuzzling her head into your neck. You hummed in response, feeling her breath on your neck.

"Hi.." She said, still hugging you.

"Hi." You responded to her, leaning into her touch. " I got to pack "-

"No..." snuggling closer. 

"I still have time to cuddle but after I pack, okay?" You offered, she nodded her head and let go. Then walked out, leaving you to pack in peace. 

    Finally you finished packing; you opened the door and gestured for her to come in. You set an alarm and layed down, feeling Amanda's arms envelope you. You snuggled into her, after a half an hour you fell asleep. 

   The alarm blared in your ears, you got up and didn't feel Amanda. Then you saw her putting clothes in a bag. She turn when you got up off the bed. 

"Hi love, I just booked a seat on your flight." She said with a smile, a excited giggle erupted from your throat. You hugged her tightly not wanting to let go. Then you look up at her.

"But how would you cosplay?" "I have a couple cosplays in the bag." "What about the others?" "They can live without me for a couple day." Amanda said with a chuckle," We have 30 minutes to get to the airport, lets go Love." You both grabbed the bags and put them in the car; Liz went with you to the airport and dropped you guys off. The wait wasn't very long soon the airplane took off. After A couple minutes you leaned on Amanda and held her hand, she smiled warmly at you. Finally you arrived; it was late so you just went to your apartment. It was a short drive from the airport. 

Amanda grabbed her bags and you grabbed yours. She followed you to your door, you took out the keys and unlocked the door. Amanda stepped into your apartment and on cue cedar came waltzing over to investigate her. Amanda bent down and held out her hand to cedar, she sniffed her hand intently. Once she passed inspection the cat started loving on her hand.

"They are so cute whats their name?" Amanda asked as she stood up.

"Cedar, we had a cat growing up named Cedar, I took her to collage and two years ago he passed away. Then a week later I saw this little one on the street; she was almost identical to him so I took her home. I named her cedar after him; that probably weird huh." You told her, with a small hint of sadness in your voice. Without saying anything Amanda hugged you; it wasn't painful anymore but still sad.

"Sorry, Love." She said to you, as you hugged back.

"It's okay, lets get settled in!" You said cheerfully and lead her to the bedroom," you can put your stuff in my closet if you want, and the bathroom is down the hall to the left." She thanked you and put her stuff down and explored the apartment. You sat on the bed, cedar jumped up and loved on you. "Hi, baby, do you like her? I do, a lot. She was the one I told you about." She rubbed on your hand, you picked her up and held her like a baby. She started meowing at you." I know, I like her too." Your conversation was interupted by a small cough, you turned to see Amanda, leaning on the doorway. "How long were you there?"

"A minute or two, you like me a lot huh?" She said walking closer to you, cedar jumped out of your arms on to the floor. She ran out of the room. "Traitor!" You yelled at cedar as she left; as Amanda got closer you moved back until you hit the wall. She cornered you, leaned close to your ear and whisper," I like you a lot too." 


  Then she started to kiss your neck, as she did you exhaled long and hard. You could feel her smile as she sucked on your neck, leaving a hickey there. She left two more then kissed you hard, you melted into it. Amanda licked your bottom lip you let her tongue in. As she explored your mouth, you let a moan slip out but quickly stopped. She pulled away, and stared into your eyes, "don't hold your song in love, I love hearing it. Sing for me Love." Amanda said as her hands slowly went up your shirt. She kissed you hard while playing with your breasts. She lead you to your bed, took off your shirt and  got on top of you; her lips moved to you collar bone. Every where she went she left a trail of kisses, hickeys and bite marks. Her hands went to your hips, her lips found you right breast and started sucking and licking. causing you to get louder. You grinded against her, making her groan against your skin. "Just like that love," she moaned.  

"Please..." You moaned to her. She moved down,took off your pants and underwear. She left kisses and hickeys on your inner thighs. "Amanda... please..." you moaned out. It felt amazing, but she was teasing you. 

"Are you that desperate love? If you want me to continue moan my name one more time." She said running her hands on your inner thighs looking up at you. 

"Amanda..." You moaned again. As soon as you moaned her name, her tongue entered. You gasped and grabbed the pillows above your head. She licked your clint and then licked circles around it. Your moans got louder as you were close to your climax. Finally you released, as you started to come down from your high She hugged you close and cuddled with you. You had more "Fun" a little while after that but then you both cuddled and fell asleep.

~Time skip~

  In the morning you heard the door open to the apartment open,"Sis! I'm here! Where are you, you are usually up by now. Oh, hi Cedar."                                                                                                                "Shit! I forgot Lilly was coming to stay for a bit after I got home! What will she think if she finds Amanda and me like this!"  You whisper yelled to yourself. Amanda stirred next to you and hugged you from behind. 

" Lucky cosplayer?..." Amanda said sleepily. You slapped her lightly then pulled her to the closet," What- no- she will find out eventualy- stop-" she protested "Get in there!" finally you got her in the closet, "Fine"she said with a huff. You just then realized that you were naked, quickly you threw clothes and walked out to greet your sister.


Hi, sorry if that was bad, it was my first time writing something like that. Any way get ready for all the fluff! See you in the next chapter! - The (Awkward) Author

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