2 | Finding Out

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At exactly 3:35 am (KST) the airplane arrived in Seoul. They had slept on the plane since they were tired. They got out from the plane and seeing how sleepy Somin was Jimin took off his cap and put it on her head instead. He took her hand and dragged her out after they went for their suitcases.

They hop into a taxi and it drove them to the location Jimin gave the driver. Somin looked at Jimin.

"Where are we?"

Jimin looked at her frowning. "On our way to the police station."

She slowly nodded. "I feel so tired." She closed her eyes and rested her head.

"Hang in there. We can't go home first. We seriously need to know if mom and dad are ok," Jimin whispered with a raspy voice.

She sighed with pouting lips and nodded her head.

After half an hour, they finally arrived at the police station. Jimin unbuckled his seatbelt, so did Somin.

"Can you wait until we finish something?" he asked the taxi driver.

The taxi driver looked at him through the rear mirror. "Yeah, of course. I'll just wait for you guys," he sarcastically replied making Jimin smiled believing it.


"No! Just give me my damn money. I wanna go home." He raised his voice and stared at him waiting for him to pay.

Jimin looked down disappointed and paid him before getting out with Somin and their luggage. It was all dark after the car drove away. Somin quickly turned on her phone's flashlight getting scared. Jimin sighed before dragging his luggage with him to the entrance. She followed him dragging her suitcase as well.

It was dark inside. Jimin pushed the door open and to his surprise, it did open meaning it was unlocked.

"Why do I feel like we're doing something illegal?" she asked all of a sudden.

He scoffed at her ridiculous thoughts. They entered the place and the door shut closed.

"It's like nobody's here but they left the door unlocked?" Jimin asked himself thinking the cops were dumb.

"I know, right? It's creeping me out."

The lights turned on all of a sudden. They both gasped in unison and looked at the corner when they noticed a figure standing by a door frame.

It was Jin, the chief, in his police officer clothes. His eyes softened up. "What are you two creatures doing here at this hour?" he asked without having a second thought.

Somin looked at Jimin expecting him to answer.

"Uh...w-we c-cam-e-"

"Where are our parents?" Somin asked straightforwardly cutting Jimin off who was stuttering.

"I'm Park Jimin. This is my sister, Somin." Jimin introduced the both of them making Jin realized it was the guy he talked with, through the phone.

"You two came back here. I wasn't expecting it," Jin surprisingly said and smiled at them.

"Come into my office. You can leave your bags there." Jin gently welcomed them and turned around leaving to his office again.

Somin and Jimin glanced at each other hesitating to walk to Jin's office. Jin came back and they turned their heads again at him.

"Don't be shy. Come in. I don't bite." Jin joked and laughed slightly but not windshield wiper laugh since he was at work. "Is it your first time in a police station?" he asked walking back to his office followed by Jimin and Somin.

"You guys seem like angels." Jin tried to avoid the silence and Somin clenched her jaw the moment he called them angels.

"Anyways, have a seat, please."

They finally arrived at the office and sat in front of his desk as to how he ordered. He sat on his 'chief chair'.

"You said our parents' flight got into an accident," Jimin spoke and began shaking his right leg up and down anxiously.

"Right." Jin cleared his throat before talking about the accident. They stared at him and listened to his words carefully.

"Your parents, especially your dad, had an unfinished business with the Plane Pilot's friend."

"Are you saying the pilot caused the accident purposely for our parents to suffer in pain although there were like over 200 other passengers aboard in the plane?" Somin asked desperately and frowning.

"Yes," Jin answered looking at her.

"That doesn't matter. Are our parents alright? Are they at the hospital? Unconscious?" Jimin asked tilting his head.

Somin fixed herself on the uncomfortable chair and paid attention to the handsome chief.

Jin focused his gaze down on his desk and sighed having a hard time explaining them.

"You guys aren't getting the situation. That plane crashed at open sea and exploded with the bombs they had thrown it."

Somin's jaw dropped and she covered her mouth and got teary eyes. Jimin was as shocked as her. He looked down hopelessly. Somin looked at Jimin.

Tears began falling from her cheeks and she asked, "A-are they a-a-alive?" She stuttered so much and her voice cracked at the end.

Jimin felt a lump in his throat and was having a hard time gulping. He looked up at Jin again waiting for him to answer.

"They aren't."

Somin gasped and she burst out crying hearing the unexpected news. Jimin tried to stay strong but he couldn't although he tried so hard not to cry in front of his sister.

Jin looked down feeling bad for both of them understanding how close they were with their parents. He let them cry and handed them tissues.

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