The Collar

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PIN'S POV: Everything felt like a normal day. Me and the Losers were just talking having a nice time, Loser was just such an impressive guy. We were all getting ready for the next contest, which was taking a while for our hosts to make. Coiny was fighting with Firey, which was normal, they always fought. It was kinda annoying though. I wanted to talk to Coiny for a while now. 

 "Hey Pin," I turned to see Leafy. I was glad to see her, even though we're on different teams, we still talk. "How have you been lately?"

 "Oh I'm doing fine." I responded, still staring at Coiny. When will he be done talking to Firey? It feels like they've been arguing for hours. Leafy noticed that I was distracted.

 "Pin? Are you looking at Coiny and Firey?" Leafy asked giving me a concerned look. Whoops, I guess I was looking at them for a while now.

 "Shoot, sorry. Yeah," I was embarrassed. "just waiting for them to stop fighting so I could talk to Coiny." Leafy giggled in response. "So what are you doing over here?" I finally asked.

 "Right! O- oh," Leafy started blushing. "I came to ask if you've seen Needle. We were supposed to meet up today?" Oh right, those two started dating a few months ago!

 "Oh yeah, Needle actually went to the forest a while ago." I pointed towards the direction of the nearby forest. None of us really know where it leads, but Needle and Leafy for some reason found it to be really comforting to hang out in.

 "Alright thanks, I'll see you around Pin." Leafy waved, and off she went. Welp, I guess I'm back to doing nothing. UGH! Those guys are still fighting! When will it end?

 After a while of waiting, I decided to go for a walk in the forest. I don't want to bother Needle and Leafy's date, so I took an alternate route. The forest was... actually pretty relaxing, the trees swayed softly, the birds were chirping cute little songs, and the wildflowers were very cute and colorful. I understand why Needle and Leafy found this place to be pretty nice for dates now, I wish I could take Coiny here one day when we...

 "Help me..." I heard it, a small creepy voice from behind me... asking for my help? I turned, but saw nothing... "Help..."

 "Who's there?" I stuttered. I was freaked out, this... thing was calling for me, but I didn't know what it was.

 "Please fellow object, I'm down here." I looked down, and there it was. A small scaly collar, with a heart as it's center piece. "Please, I need people. I've been alone for so long, rotting, rotting, rotting here becoming one with this forest."

 "Oh, that's horrible." I felt so bad. This thing had no limbs at all, the only other people I knew that didn't have limbs were 8-Ball, Bell, Black Hole, Cloudy, Yellow Face, and Puffball. Even I didn't have limbs for a while, it was hard to move around like that. But this small collar looked like it had no way of moving. I felt like I had to help it. I guess this is what it feels like to be in Leafy's shoes. 

 "Hold on, I'll pick you up." I said as I reached for the collar, "I wonder if anyone back at the competition area would know how to help you."

 "Oh there won't be any need for that," the collar snickered, "After all, YOU'RE all I need to be whole." 

 Before I could react, the collar opened up and lunged to my neck. I began to panic and tried pulling it off, but it quickly fastened. Tightly it was. My breathing began to hurt, I tried to gasp for air, only very little would enter so slowly. I felt nauseous, I couldn't hold it in anymore, before I knew it I vomited on the grass and passed out.

 After a while I began to regain consciousness, I got up from the ground. Where was I? Why does my throat hurt so much? I felt around my neck, "Hey! Watch the face!" My eyes widened. I looked down and saw it. The collar was fastened on my neck, and I knew I couldn't take it off.

 "What are you doing to me?" I asked it. I was so scared, I felt my face was still pale and numb from vomiting earlier.

 "Oh don't you worry dear. I won't be here forever, that is if you obey me until I reach my goal. Or until you can't handle the tightness and perish in my grasp." The collar giggled sisterly, am I gonna die? Is that what it wants. No it said it would let me go if I listened. It's life or death now...

 "W-well what do you want me to do?" I questioned. "I promise I'll listen."

 "I see you understand the situation you're in. Very good. Like I said before you picked me up, I need people, or in another way, I need their love." The collar replied. 'Love?' What the hell does this thing mean by that?

 "What do you mean?" I was so scared.

 "I am now temporarily connected to you, thus I can feed off the love people give to you. And if you give me enough love by others. I will set you free." Explained the cursed collar. "But time will only tell if you can find the real love for your life, because if you don't find enough love," The collar then began to tighten on my neck. I cried in pain, but it felt like I was loosing my voice so much that I couldn't cry or scream anymore.

 "Ack! Okay, okay please, enough! I will give you love, but please, loosen up a bit, I don't think I can even leave the forest with this little oxygen." I cried and begged the collar to loosen.

 "Very well, I will loosen my grip," the collar actually loosened, "but this is the only time I am doing this, as time goes be however I will begin to shrink, so you better pray that you can last." As I began to feel the oxygen fill my lungs so much better, possibly for the last time, I also felt my hope begin to slip away. How am I gonna give this thing what it wants? I can't just tell Coiny that I like him and want him to love me, I guess waiting and letting our relationship grow is the only option I have. And this is gonna be a very painful wait...

AUTHORS NOTE: (Okay, so yes, this is literally inspired by Kikuo's song "Ashite Ashite Ashite" I just had the idea pop into my head while listening to the song. Don't hurt me. And I hope you all enjoyed this, my laptop is about to die so-)

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