"I just want to help!"

510 11 16

(Oh boy some stuff is gonna happen in this chapter).

PIN'S POV: The next day arrived. I could barely sleep at all last night, after comforting Needle the rest of the Losers started getting ready for bed. I managed to sleep for an hour until I woke up from the pain in my lungs woke me up. For the rest of the night I had to focus on getting enough air, so I'm exhausted right now. I need to stay focused though.

"Pin, lets go, Four and X should be hosting the Cake At Stake." Eggy called. I went outside to watch, Iance was getting towards the elimination area.

"Whoa, Pin are you like, okay?" Match asked me suddenly, "No offense but like, you just look tired."

"I'm okay, d-don't worry about that right now." I told Match.

I noticed how every team was around the area to watch the Cake At Stake, and that they were all sitting with their close friends. Eraser, Blocky, and Pen were sitting by a bench area. Needle and Leafy were sitting in the grass talking, Needle still looked sad from last night, but I could tell she was trying to stay strong and encourage Leafy. Loser and Cake were standing closest to the area. Now, we were all just waiting for our host and co host to show up.

"Hey Pin want to sit over here?" I heard from behind me. Coiny was sitting near Pen and the others.

"Oh, sure thing." I walked over and sat on the bench with them, it felt nice.

Finally after a while Four and X arrived to host Cake At Stake. X looked... tired? I know that I shouldn't exactly trust these guys, since we don't know really anything about them. But I feel like I should try to help X.

The Elimination finished and was surprising for some of us, Pencil, who lasted very long in Bfdi, was the first to be eliminated in Bfb. Match especially was surprised about this. The last of the alliance began talking to each other, I guess they were discussing what they should do.

"Alright, the next contest will be announced soon." Four exclaimed, he then walked off, a few team members followed him.

X was about to follow too, but I just felt concerned for him so I tapped his shoulder. "Hey X,"

"Oh! Pin, hello! Is everything alright?" X asked, 'what's with everyone acting so concerned about me?!'

"I'm fine, I just came to ask if you were okay, you seemed kinda tired the elimination." I answered.

X's eyes widened for a second, "Oh, I'm sorry. I just couldn't sleep very well last night," he started rubbing his eyes, "something just felt... scary... I couldn't close my eyes without feeling unsafe, it's happened more than once. I told Four about this, but they just said I was being dramatic and annoying."

"That's not very nice. Aren't you two friends?" I asked.

"Well yeah, I just get on Four's nerves sometimes." X replied.

"On another note, what made you so afraid of sleeping last night? Goinky's a pretty peaceful place." I asked, maybe I can help X by fixing his sleeping problem.

"Well umm, to be honest, it's just a feeling in the back of my head that... something really bad is coming... and its gonna hurt us..." I felt a small chill. X honestly feels like a child, and this feels like a child saying something morbid.

I thought of what to say for a moment, "Maybe if you feel like this... thing is coming, try to confront it. If it's a feeling, just tell that feeling that it's not real. When I was a kid and would get nightmares like that, I would tell myself that it wasn't real, and it would work." I told X.

"Humm... you're probably right. Thanks Pin!" X then gave me a hug.

Th-this feeling of relief is back. 'Love comes in different forms.' Platonic love. This is giving me a bigger chance of surviving too! I just need to keep helping people! Needle. I need to go to Needle. I then said goodbye to X and started to walk over to Needle and Leafy.

"Hey guys, how are you two feeling?" I greeted them.

"Oh, we're just trying to think of a strategy to keep Leafy here longer." Needle responded.

"We may not know what the new contest is gonna be just yet, but we'll still look for strategies for anything." Leafy exclaims.

"Well, this may be something you're already good at Leafy, but, you're great at helping people, maybe try to help them in a leader way. Like when we were leaders back in season one!" I explained.

"That's actually not that bad of an idea Pin, it's been a while, and I want my team to know that I can help them." Leafy thought for a moment, "Yeah... Yeah! I'll do that! You hear that Needle, we shouldn't worry now, if I can help my team enough, I'll have more of a reason to stay longer, my team may not even lose!" The two hugged each other happily and thanked me, maybe this collar's challenge won't be so difficult after all.

The rest of the day went by normal, except for some reason after I told X to confront what they said would scare them, they never came back. Four even postponed the second challenge. Did... did X go missing? Am I responsible for that?

X'S POV: I decided to take Pin's advice. I'm gonna find this scary thing, and I'm gonna tell it to leave us alone! I left the competing area and wondered for hours. I needed to find this thing.
'It's almost nighttime now. Maybe I should've left a note to Four...' I turned around from... from... 'Wait...' "Where am I even?" I realized now, I was lost.
"Oh no, oh no!" Four's gonna be so worried! And it's all my fault! I walked around the new area. There was purplish rocks, and what seemed like abandoned ruins. I couldn't really tell, it was pretty dark by now.
After aimlessly wandering, I felt something. A presence. 'That's the thing! The scary feeling!' I shivered, I didn't know what to do. "H-hey! Leave us alone! You weird presence, you're not gonna hurt us!" I yelled! After that... nothing.
"I... I did it?" It was over. The presence was gone, maybe Pin and Four were right. Maybe this thing was just all in my head-
OW! My head is... spinning... I don't... f-feel... o...ka...y......
'I'm... moving again? What happened?'
'Don't worry yellow boy. This will be over soon.' That voice. I don't know how, but I recognize it! It's the presence!!!
'Where are you? What's going on?!' I realized my body was moving on it's own. But not by my own will! 'Wait! I don't want this! STOP!!!' I tried to tell only to no avail.
'I don't want you getting in the way of my goal. And your blue friend would only get in the way too. That is unless... he has no reason to get in my way.' I don't know how, but this thing was controlling my body. We were turning towards one of the many cliffs.

..... 'Perfect.'
'Now the blue one just has to find the body.

(Author's Note: I bet I'm gonna get a lot of hate from this chapter. BUT I CAN TAKE IT!!! Rest In Peace X.)

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