Love Comes in Different Forms

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PINS POV: After taking a few minutes to catch my breath, I knew I had to go back to the competition area. As I walked back I noticed Firey and Coiny weren't fighting anymore. Thank god, that was annoying. "So that's the one you like? The round copper one?" I almost flinched at the voice of that horrible collar around my neck. "Don't worry, only you can hear me." Why would that make me feel relief in the slightest?

 "Hey Pin." I heard Coiny approaching me, 'uh oh.' I was suddenly feeling nervous.

 "Oh, hey Coiny!" I replied back, I noticed he was looking a bit annoyed. "What's wrong?"

 Coiny looked towards Firey's direction, "Firey's just as an asshole as ever," he sighed, "He was asking me to find a way to get Leafy to break up with Needle." What?!

 Ever since those two started dating, Firey became horribly envious. Him and Leafy were dating before, but Leafy left him because he was extremely toxic. But now he wants to get her back by having Coiny help them break up. "That's crazy!" I said back, "what a jerk."

 "Don't worry about it, I obviously told him I wasn't gonna help." Coiny explained. "But he just wouldn't leave me alone." He rolled his eyes, then looking at me, "Oh, that's a cute collar Pin. When'd you get that?" I went pale, forgot my life was on the line right now because of this stupid thing.

"O-oh! Uh, an old friend of mine gave it to me." I lied, something told me if I told him what was actually going on would have me dead faster.

 "Well, that was nice of them." he replied. "Anyway, I think I heard from the others that the next contest should be announced tomorrow morning. It's getting kinda late, so lets go to bed." He gestured a hand telling me to follow him to our team's house. (yeah in this story they have team houses shhh)

 I followed Coiny to our team's house, in the front room was Loser, Cake, and Needle sitting on the couch watching TV. Firey was in the dinning room, which was next to the front room, he kept giving Needle the stink eye, 'jealous much Firey?' I thought to myself and giggled. As I giggled the collar's tightness make me choke from my saliva, I started coughing. "Oh no, Pin are you okay?" Loser asked me, oh no.

"Oh, y-yeah! Don't worry about me." I tried to reassure him, but he stared at me for a while. Soon everyone in the room was looking at me.

 "Okay, well be careful at least," I sighed and gave him a thumbs up, "want to join us?" Loser patted at the free spot that was left on the couch. I guess it couldn't hurt to watch some TV. I sat down and watched TV with everyone else. I noticed Needle looking a bit bothered, did she notice Firey staring at her? I decided to ask her.

 "Hey Needle, you feeling okay?" I asked her, she looked towards my direction but was still a bit distracted. She then gestured for my to go into the hallways upstairs and rose from the couch.

 "I'm okay don't worry about it." She answered as she rose from the couch, but still gesturing. I got up too, making sure Firey wasn't looking, I claimed that I needed to go to the bathroom, rose from my spot on the couch, and followed Needle upstairs.

 Once we got there, I asked her again if something was wrong. She was quiet for a minute, but then started to cry. "Leafy was nervous and told me she might get eliminated!" (This takes place before episode two) Needle's cries began to turn into quiet sobs. Oh no. And this day was going okay, for them, until this. "She might come over tonight to saw goodbye, but..." Needle chocked on her words.

 "You don't want her to be eliminated." I finished her sentence, she nodded. "Oh Needle, I'm sorry." I felt bad for her, I went to give her a hug. She went for it too, it felt... nice. Something from that made me feel like I needed more of this kind of energy, but what was this energy? 'It's love stupid.'  I wanted to jump after hearing that voice again. 'We need this energy to survive, if you could get enough love from others, the collar may loosen a tiny bit and slow down for a while.' I didn't want to hear this, but after the collar mentioned that, I noticed. The collar did loosen. This form of love... I needed it, I needed as much of it as I can get. I need it until I can get my dear Coiny to love me back as a true partner. And I need it no matter the costs...

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