Chapter 1

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Rex's POV

Just another day at Providence. I swear, this place is a prison. I don't like it here. At. All. They treat me like a lab rat. Pretty much all the time. Just because my nanites are different then most EVOs doesn't make it right for me to be treated any differently. I am still a human being. I can just do cool things. They only wish they could do they things I can. The only one that treats me like a human, is Dr. Holiday. I am pretty sure she has the hots for Six. To bad for her. Six is the least likely person to harbor feelings for anyone. Anything for that matter. I kinda hope that it isn't true. I bet Bobo ten bucks that Six and Holiday will end up together. I don't even have five dollars. Though I doubt he does either. Bobo is my a good friend of mine. Sure, he is an EVOed chimp and all, but he's cool.

I just want to get out of here. Unfortunately, if I do go out, I am most likely going to be watched. The only way for me to leave this place is to escape whenever I get the chance. Good thing I now how to.

I just want one normal day. One without an EVO attack. Ha! Like that will ever happen. This world will never let me catch a break, and I need one. The EVO attacks are random and it could happen anywhere. Providence may be able to take down RVOs, but they can't cure them like me. That's why I am so important to the team. Unfortunately, that means I have to be prepared for anything. Six makes me train when we hang out, and Holiday puts me through test. I can hardly ever be me. I think I can be me when I am with my friend, Noah. Even though he was just acting like my friend in the beginning, we are cool now. Now, he es mi major Amigo! (is my best friend) I wish I had his life at times. Not a care in the world. To be "normal".

I let out a sigh, open my eyes and sit up. I look around my room. Bobo is asleep. I should be too. It is pretty late out and I should get some sleep, but I just can't. I laid back down. I just want to leave. Even if I did leave, where would I go? They can just track me. I'm stuck. They have me chained like a dog.

As much as I don't mind them using me to learn about the nanites, I wish they would learn who I was and help me. My past is gone and my mind is a blank. I can do nothing but wait until my mind resets and I don't recall ever having these thoughts. Providence doesn't really like me, as far as I can tell. If they cared even a little bit about me, why couldn't they help me with the one thing that is really important to me? Why couldn't they figure out why I have amnesia? Why couldn't they just repay me for all the help I've done for them?

Sometimes I hate having amnesia. Sure I joke about it, but it sucks. I remember telling Noah a joke. I only remember it because he has to tell me how we met everytime I forget. Apparently I said,

"You want to know the best thing about amnesia? I forgot."

It wasn't a bad joke, I guess, but it doesn't change the fact that Providence hasn't once tried to help me fix my "reset". They rather just tell me what they know and have on file. Again. I'm their lab rat. Of course they have a file on me! I clench my fist together. I felt a sharp pain in my body.

I let out a sigh and sit back up. My head was throbbing. I hate having headaches. It mess with my head..... Duh! It's a headache. This headache was keeping me awake.

I needed some water. I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, might as well get some. I get up, quietly as to not wake my chimp roommate, get my clothes on because I rather not be seen in my P.J.s from anyone at Providence. I walk down the halls of Providence and feel faint. I hardly get sick. I don't recall a time when I have gotten sick. Then again, I don't recall anything after six months. 

My vision started to blur and I looked around. Providence's white floor became closer as I feel to the ground. The white slowly turned dark. All I heard was my own heavy breathing and a faint voice........... Calling to me. 


Author's Note: I know this is short, but I had to start somewhere and this is what happened. I might just make these chapters short anyway. Anyway, I started this Generator Rex Fanfic because I love the series and have been wanting to write a story for this for some time. This story will not be one of my main update books, so this one will be more slow. I apologise, but it is just how I am doing these updates. Anyway, hope y'all are safe and doing alright.


Posted: 5/27/2020

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