Chapter 10

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As expected finding case documents from almost 100 years ago was not easy.It took Chanyeol and Yoongi quite some time to find any documents.Yoongi and Suji were amazed to Chanyeol's dedication about finding the documents.

After they finally got the documents they called Jungkook and Suji over at Chanyeol's house at 6pm.

Currently the four of them are sitting at Chanyeol's dining table in darkness with just a few candles in front of them.Chanyeol turned all the lights off of the house and closed all the curtains as well.The house fell into complete darkness.

"Umm..Chanyeol Oppa it's been 10 minutes and I still don't understand why we have to be in darkness?"Suji said.

"This adds a bit feel to it.You all are so boring,"Chanyeol complained."What I'm about to tell you is really interesting and thrilling.So this environment is necessary."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at Suji,"Didn't I tell you he was dramatic?"

"Well I can see that,"Suji said and sighed.

Why is everyone I know so...weird?

"In this darkness I feel like a ghost is gonna jump out anytime in front of us,"Jungkook said.

"The possibility of that is zero because ghosts don't exist,"Yoongi said.

Jungkook was about to say no but Suji stopped him and slowly reminded of him that it's not what they were there for.

Chanyeol suddenly turned serious,"I don't agree,Yoongi-ah.I believe ghosts do exist."

Yoongi doesn't remember seeing Chanyeol this serious ever.

Chanyeol suddenly looked straight at Suji,"Suji-ah,what do you think?"

Suji raised her brows.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"Chanyeol asked.

Seeing Suji's tensed expression Chanyeol smiled and said,"Relax,Suji-ah...I will start what we're here for today."

"Yeah..please start.And let's get this over with as soon as possible.I'm already tired."Yoongi said.

"You're always tired,"Jungkook muttered.

"What did you say,you brat?"Yoongi asked and was about to smack Jungkook but couldn't because Chanyeol started talking.

"Yoongi has probably told you guys that I'm really interested about your house.There's a reason behind it,"Chanyeol said.

The three of them listened to him carefully.

"I've a friend since high school.He used to live in your house.His family liked the house but couldn't stay there more than 5 months due to all of them experiencing creepy things,"Chanyeol said,"Someone breathing near them,laughing near them,pushing them,tv turning on and off,lights going out,walking noises from the roof and a lot more.My friend is really dramatic so I didn't pay much attention to that."

"More dramatic than you?"Yoongi asked.

Chanyeol looked at him and seriously said,"Multiply my dramatic-ness by 4 times and you'll get him."

Yoongi looked away,"I don't know anything about him but the only thing I know is that I don't ever want to meet him."

Chanyeol chuckled,"Anyways,back to the story....even though the creepy things were happening they continued to live there.But one day everything changed.My friend went up to the room you have on the roof.He never really stayed in the room for long because it was always ice cold even in summer and he didn't feel good vibes from the room.But that day the cold vibes weren't there and it was daytime so he decided to hang out in the room for a bit more.He looked around the stuff in the cabinet and in one drawer he found a photo album."

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