Chapter 12

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Suji is currently sitting in the huge office room of Park Jimin.She got to know that he's a huge businessman and he's not only the owner of this gallery,he also has other galleries all over Korea.He's insanely rich.

Suji was done looking at his huge office room and finally turned to Jimin who was still trying to search for words.He seemed to not know where to start.

"Mr.Park?"Suji called.She wanted to call him yeorabeoni but it's really awkward.She doesn't even know him.

Jimin turned to Suji finally and cleared his throat.He was still unsure on how to start but started talking nonetheless,"Do you know a really interesting fact?"

Suji wanted to say,"I know a whole lot of interesting facts."But she just smiled and shook her head.

"My great grandfather's cousin looked exactly like me,he exactly behaved and talked like me,that's why my parents ended up giving me his name,"Jimin smiled,"Isn't that interesting?"

Suji nodded.

"I used to have a lot of dreams since childhood,I used to dream about people I didn't know.I had good dreams but some nightmares too where someone stabs right into my heart.My mother used to say the dreams would stop eventually as I grow up.But they didn't.I kept having so much dreams that I could also write a novel about it."Jimin said and laughed.

Suji didn't know what to say so she stayed quiet.

"As I grew up the dreams became more vivid as if I experienced them.And as I grew up my family members kept pointing out the similarities I had with the my great grandfather's cousin,Park Jimin.I got a hold of a photo album of his and saw how similar we look and surprisingly the people I saw in my dreams were actually with him in the photographs,amusing,right?"

Suji nodded.

Jimin continued,"So I decided to find out why I kept getting these dreams.And the only answer I could find after searching for a long time is that....I could be the reincarnation of the original Park Jimin,"Jimin said,"That's about it.So why don't you tell me about your story?I suppose you have a lot of things to tell me as well."

Suji nodded,"I do."

Jimin smiled,"After I found out about you I did a little research and found out you live in that house,am I right?It can't be a coincidence."Jimin said,"And I also heard a lot of rumors about that house..I wonder..."

"Yes,the rumors are true,"Suji said,"The house is haunted with spirits of the Kim twins."

Jimin was a bit taken aback,"Oh!"

Suji took a deep breath,"When my parents were looking for a house in that neighborhood,this house caught my eye.I felt the need to stay there.I wanted to live in that house no matter what.Aside from the house being absolutely gorgeous,I thought there was another reason as well.I didn't know then.But I know now."

Suji looked directly at Jimin's eyes,"Now I know for sure I'm also a reincarnated human being.I felt the need to return to my past so I was so attracted to that house."

Jimin nodded,"Did you find out who you were?"

Suji smiled,"I wasn't sure but after I met you I know for sure."

Jimin looked at Suji curiously to hear her answer.

Suji said confidently,"I am the reincarnation of Park Jimin's aka your sister,Kim Taehyung's fiancée,Park Soomin."

Suji chuckled after saying that.

That sounded so dramatic.

But as soon as she met Jimin and blurted out yeorabeoni,she knew she had to be Soomin.This explains so many feelings and questions.

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