Chapter 2

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Lily's POV:

When we arrived to Dumbledore's office we saw McGonagall, Sirius, Remus and of course the headmaster. When Sirius saw that we arrived he ran to us and hugged us. I could tell he was blaming himself, because he was the one who suggested to make Peter the secret keeper. He took his Harry out from the carrier and he woke up. He woke up and for a second I thought he will start crying, but when he saw the face of his godfather he calmed down. 


- I'm sorry to break this moment, but we have a lot to talk about.-said Dumbledore- Please sit down.

- We all sat down Sirius still holding Harry who was playing with his hair now. 

- So as you heard in the Patronus message, Peter betrayed the Order. He has been working for Voldemort and as he was your secret keeper its a miracle that you are still alive.

-How did you get to know this infomation? - Remus asked

- Not only the Order was betrayed during the past months. Snape has been working for us, since he got to know that Voldemort was looking for Harry.

- Why would he do that, if I remember well he was the one who told the prophecy. In addition to this, he hates me.

- Yes, he hates you, but not Lily. He still cares about her, but there is no time for talking about your school years. All five of you are going to stay here in Hogwarts, and I don't accept any other answer.

- And where are we going to live? In Gryffindor Tower? I don't think this is a good idea, also if a students writes about us to his or her parents, and if they work for You-know-who, he will come for us. I don't want to be the cause of students dying. - Lily said

- There is a secret room, called the Room of Requirement. It appears in the form of a place you need the most. I discovered it in my sixth year, when I needed a quite place to study. 

This was the first time McGonagall talked. She still couldn't believe that one of her student, a Gryffindor btrayed his friends, knowing they would die because of this.

- What about the Longbottoms? The prophecy is accurate if we are talking about Neville too. If Voldemort doesn't know where we are he will search for them. - Remus said worriedly. 

- I thought about this too, they should arrive in any moment.

Just as Dumbledore said this the door opened and the Longbottoms rushed in.

- We came as soon as we saw the patronus, sorry if we are late - Alice daid without looking around in the room.

- Neville - Harry exclaimed. 

- Hajjy - responded the other baby.

The two of them knew eachother, they used to spend lots of time together, especially during the meetings of the Order. Dumbledore talked about the new informations to Alice and Frank too, while Harry and Neville were playing together. A few minutes later they all stood up and headed to the Room of Requirement. McGonagall was the first one to get down from the Headmaster's office, to check if anyone was around. Luckily noone saw them on their way to this mysterious place. When they arrived there, McGonagall closed her eyes and started walking up and down in front of a part of the wall. Suddenly a door appeared, where a moment ago a solid wal was. Dumbledore opened t and the small group headed inside. To their surprise it looked like a home, where somone lived for a long time. There were pictures on the walls, several bedrooms, a comfy livingroom with a sofa and armchairs. There was a big kitchen and three bathrooms too.

- This is amazing - Lily said still shocked from what happened.

- We are going to live you now, if you have any problems or questions just send an owl. - Dumbledore started wlaking out of the "room".

- How do we get food or clothes, or anything we need?

- I wished for that too, that door there is the solution for your problem. It leads to Aberfoth's pub. Just tell him if you need something. 

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