Chapter 8

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I'm sorry that I haven't written for a long time, there are many reasons for this. The main one is what I wrote at the end of the last chapter, and during July I also participated in Camp NaNoWriMo. Now I'm ready and motivated to get back into this story.

The wizards and wizards celebrated all over the world. The good news spread quickly, at first noone believed it, than the Daily Prophet had an interview with the Order of the Phoneix. When Dumbledore confirmed the news everyone started to celebrate. The wizards almost revieled themselves, and the Headmaster of Hogwarts saw this kind of madness only one time before. After he dueled Grindelwald. Memories rushed through his brain, the day when he met Gelert in Godric's Hollow, Ariana's death, their duel. The face of Gellert Grindelwald, one of his best friends, after he conquered him and sent to his own prison. He will never forget that moment, the disbelief and hate he saw in Grindelwalds eyes. Another face rushed to his mind. James Potter after he got to knew that Peter Pettigrew worked for Voldemort, the man who was one of his best friends, someone he trusted with his own life, bis family's life.

- Albus, the students are waiting for you.

Mcgonagall stood in the door of his office, she looked tired, and Dumbledore understood why. many students came back after the news spread. Now everyone was back and the teachers had to help them catch up with their studies. It was time for a speech too, he had to tell them what happened. He walked to the Great Hall with McGonagall. The room was full of students and teachers, it was an amazing scene. It was such a long time, for the past months only a few students stayed in the castle and it he missed the shouting of the children. Sometimes it ws annoying, but it was the most beautiful scene, everyone reunited with their friends talking about what happened and about the future. Sitting at the Gryffindore table were some guests. The Potters and the Longbottoms, accompanied by Sirius and Remus. They were talking happily, enjoying every moment of the freedom they regained. It was hard for the to stay inside, especially with two little kids.

Dumbledore went to his chair, but didn't sit down, when the wizards and witches saw him they immediately finished talking.

- The past years were hard for us, a wizard who studied here in Hogwarts chose a path that destroyed our lives, he killed many people because he wanted to be remembered. He was succesfull, wizards and witches, even muggles will never forget these years. They will always remember Voldemort, a wizard that wanted to be immortal, and was ready to destroy anyone who tried to stop him. Not so long ago, he tried to kill the Potter family, luckily thanks to Severus Snape, a Death Eater who changed, they managed to escape. They came to the castle with their friends and lived here in secret. But two weeks ago with their help the Order of the Phoneix managed to destroy the Dark Lord. We will never forget those who died because of him, but no it is time to start new lives. The Ministry of Magic is trying to catch the remaining Death Eaters, the world is becoming safe again. I'm happy to see that all of you retuned to your beloved school, the teachers are ready to help you catch up, and if everything goes well at the end of the year all of you will be able to pass your exams. Of course, we understand if not, but you have to try and work hard, so you can become amazing wizards and witches.

He sat down and the dinner started. Then the students went back to their common rooms, they were talking for a long time. Comforting those who lost someone and encouraging those who feared that they will fail during the exams. They grew closer to eachother during this night.

While the students were relaxing the Room of Requirement was a mess.  Everyone planned to move out soon, ready to get back to their normal lives, or start it. They never had the chance to live happily, when they got out from school they joined the Order and lived in fear. Now they got another chance and were ready to use it. While Lily, James, Alice, Frank, remus and Mrs. Longbottom were packing Sirius looked after the kids. He already finished packing, if throwing your stuff into suitcases without the hint of organisation was packing. He tured into a dog and the two little kids were amazed by it. They playedwith the dog and laughed when Sirius suddenly turned back to a human. They found it very entertaining.

It was time for them to go to bed, but the adults talked for a long time in the living room. They missed their old houses, but became sad to the thought that they won't live together anymore. It was good to have so many people they could talk to, look after the babies when the parents were tired, but they couldn't live like this forever. Harry and Neville needed a normal childhood, in their own homes, not in a castle that would became their schools later. Eventually everyone went to bed, ready for the chaos that moving promised.

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