Chapter 3

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1981. November 1.

Lily's POV:

I woke up early in the morning. I checked on Harry, he was sleeping peacefully. Our first day here was a chaos, we had to pack out everything, and make this place feel like our home. The house was pretty big so it didn't cause a problem that 9 people lived here. Nine, because yesterday Mrs. Longbottom arrived too, who was in great danger as the closest relative of the Longbottoms. JUst as she arrived the Room of Requirement added and extra room and bathroom to the house. It had too floors, downstairs lived the Longbottoms. There was a room for Alice, Frank and Neville and another one for Frank's mother. There was one bathroom here. The living room, the kitchen, the dining room and a play room for Harry and Neville was here too, which also functioned as a nursery for them. The too kids still spent the night in their parents rooms, but during the day they would be here.

Upstairs there was a bedroom for me, James and Harry, one bedroom for Remus and another for Sirius. There were also two bathrooms and another nursery. The nursery downstairs will be Neville's room if they have to stay here for a long time, and the nursery upstairs is for Harry. There was also a big study, with desks for all of them so they can continue working from here too.

Third person POV:

Lily walked downstairs and found Alice already awake, making breakfast and coffee. They smiled at eachother and whispered 'Good Morning'. Lily remembered the times when they woke up and were the first ones in the Library or eating breakfast in the Great Hall. They were the earlybirds of the Gryffindor girls in their year, and their roommates were always annoyed when they accidentaly woke them up too.

Lily made herself toast with jam and coffee. The two women sat silently reading books. A bit later James walked down, his her messy, and he held Harry in his hands, with the same messy hair, the same tired expression on their faces, the only difference was their eye color and the fact that Harry was one. They all ate breakfast together and then Lily went upstairs with Harry. She entered the nursery and choose clothes for her son to wear. When he was ready lily gave him to James, so she could get dressed. Soon Sirius, Remus, Frank, Neville, and neville's grandma were up too. They spent the day playing with the babies. 

A few weeks later, the beginning of December:

Dumbledore was sitting at hi desk looking through some papers about Death Eaters and Voldemort. He had to figure out how to kill the Dark Lord, because he couldn't keep the Potters and the Longbottoms closed in the Room of Requirement. It wouldn't be a life for Harry and Neville, growing up in the castle, and what would they do when they are eleven, they can't go to school. He sighed worriedly. The next second the door of his office opened. Horace Slughorn stood there, a strange expression on his face. A bit of fear and guilt.

- Dumbledore, I should have told you, so many lives could have been saved. It is all my fault.

- What's your problem Horace. Tell me, and I will see if I can help you - Dumbledore tried to calm him down.

- He made horcruxes, He who must not be named made horcruxes. That's why we can't defeat him, that's why he tells he conquered death.

- Horcruxes? And what do you have to do with this?

- I talked to him about them. After one of our dinner parties, when everyone left, he asked a question. He said he read about them in a book from the restricted section of the library. I thought he just wanted to learn, but apparently I was the one whoinformed him about the power he could gain through them. 

- Do you know how many he ha made?

-  No, I don't, but he was interested in if it was possible to make seven. He might have made them already.

-  He made more than one, I'm sure about this. That's why he looked so exhausted and strange when he was here for a job. Maybe he not not only came hee to become a professor, there might be one here too.You can leave now Horace, you made a mistake, but we can still win this war thanks to your informations.

-  I need to talk to Severus as soon as possible, he might have some information, or a horcrux. 

Dumbledore quickly wrote a letter and asked Fawkes to bring it to the secret place which they used to send messages.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, during the summer I am going to try and publish at least three or four chapters every week, but I don't know if I will be able to do it.

I also wanted to write that there might be mistakes in spelling and grammar, because I'm not English, and in the language I read the books some names are different.

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