Chapter 9

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It was the first day of September. A new school year started for wizards and witches, but this year was special, Harry Potter was eleven now, which meant he was already at King's Cross.

Next to the Hogwarts Express a family of four was standing, a black haired boy with glasses was hugging her red haired mother, then his father who looked just like him, the last one in the line was an eight year old little girl with short red hair. Emma Lily Potter, Harry Potter's sister. Finally Harry got on the train with his father who helped him find a place to sit, later a red haired boy, Ronald Weasley joined him. They were good friends, they met several times when they were smaller, finally Neville arrived and the three best friends started chatting. They had a lot to say, despite the fact that they met a week ago.

- Hello, can I sit here?

A girl with bushy brown hair asked.

-Sure, come in. I'm Harry Potter, this is Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom.

- I'm Hermione Granger.

During the way to Hogwarts the four kids talked a lot, especially Hermione, everyone was curios about her life as a muggleborn. They became really good friends, and steppd into the great Hall next to eachother, staring in awe. Harry, Neville and Ron waved to Remus, who was sitting with the teachers. He taught DADA for three years and luckily there weren't big problems around his condition as a werewolf. They stood anxiosly as Professor McGobagall asked the students one by one to put the Sorting Hat on their heads. The first one of the quartet to get put in a house. The hat was thinking for a long time, then it finally exclaimed Gryffindor. Then came Neville, who was put into Gryffindor too, Harry was the next one.


The hat only spent a few seconds making this decision, and the same was with Ron.

They had an amazing time eating dinner, they talked alot to other Weasleys and other housemates. When dinner finished Dumbledore let them go back to their common rooms. Percy was shouting to the Gryffindor kids to follow him, they walked through many corridors and up many flights of stairs. Finally they stopped in front of a painting. The woman in the painting aked for a password and Percy said it loudly so all of them could hear it. All of them climbed in the common room and Percy told them where their rooms are. The four of them were seperated as Hermione had to go with the girs, but the boys were in the same room.

The four of them spent a wonderful year together, they became best friends, the next generation of the marauders as the teachers called them.

It was the end of the year and the four kids were sitting in the same compartment chatting excitedly. they all missed their families and couldn't wait to introduce eachother. Finally the train arrived at King's Cross and all the students tried to get of the Hogwarts Express the same time, so the four of them waited for the crowd to go away.

They managed to get of and found their parents. THey introduced eachother, Hermione's parents were very kind and curios. They were new to the wizarding world so they wanted to learn more about it. They found out that they live near Godric's Hollow. The four families decided to meet during the summer break and decided that they all had free weeks where their kids could meet and have sleepovers, all of the families told a week where they could host the kids. The first ones were the Potters, in a two weeks period Neville, Hermione and Ron could get to the Potter's house.

So this is the final chapter of the story, its not my best work but I really didn't know what to write. During the chapters before I wrote down the main part, the things I wanted to tell you. The story is about Lily and James surviving and that happened. Harry's life would be peaceful later, no Voldemort returning, no deaths of students and stuff like this. I hope you enjoyed this story!!!

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