//A U T H O R ' S N O T E //
Hello there everyone! I know I haven't done a kind of these notes in a while and I'm sorry! I'll try to do more, I promise.
Since 2014 is coming to an end, I will firstly like to say:
Here's to the ones who made it in 2014, and here's to the ones who didn't.
I just wanna say that if you lost anybody in 2014, then I am deeply sorry and may they rest in peace. If things didn't go as planned in 2014 for you, again, I'm sorry and I hope that things get better for you because you all deserve to much better.I also wanted to say that for those of you struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, self-harm, anxiety, or anything else, I am so glad that you have made it though 2014. You are a really strong person and I love you endlessly.
For 2015, I wish for all of you to have this be the best year of your life. You guys deserve to have a great year in 2015. Some days you'll have your downs, we all do. But overall, I want it to be a really rad year for you.
Oh, and for 2015, if you guys need to ever talk, I am here. My kik is always open (username is thenorthernstumppour) and my PM is always open. If you feel upset or alone or simply, just want be friends, then go ahead and contact me. I will listen because I care about all of you so much.
That's all I really got for now! Talk to you guys later!