Part One: Basic Writing

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I know you probably don't want to, but we have to go through basic writing tips first.

Quotation Marks

It is Super important to use quotation marks when writing. (these things: ")

If you don't use them, it may be confusing as to who's speaking at that moment. Though they may be tedious to type out, they are very necessary.

I very recently read a book for school that didn't use quotation marks, but merely italics. It was super hard to tell who was speaking. Using quotation marks makes you look less lazy and more professional.

Bad example: Where are the doughnuts mom? I say.

They are in the cupboard, Mom tells me.

Good example: "Where are the doughnuts mom?" I say.

"They are in the cupboard," Mom tells me.


Commas are also very important. They tell you where to pause before continuing. These are especially important if they are being read. aloud or if the words are being said in your head as you read.

Commas are also important within quotation marks as you saw above. It isn't correct grammar if you use a period within quotation marks. It is, however, acceptable to use question marks and exclamation points in that position. Commas should also be used when starting off a sentence like "she said"

Bad example:
"Dad can I stay over at Jack's house tonight?" I ask my dad.

"Sure", he says. "Just be sure not to be disrespectful okay?"

Good example:
"Dad? Can I stay over at Jack's house tonight?" I ask my dad.

"Sure," he says. "Just be sure not to be disrespectful, okay?"


There are two different types of paragraphs. There's one with indents and one without. I personally use the one without as you can see right now. Quite a few Wattpad writers also use this type.

Indented example:

I drank my coffee in science. I didn't want to be bothered.
Suddenly, my phone rings. I pick my phone up. I wonder who it is. Looks like it's my boyfriend Kian. I quickly press the accept call button.

(Note: The indents won't show up for some reason. For the indents, I used 10 spaces before writing.)

Non-Indented Example:

I drank my coffee in science. I didn't want to be bothered.

Suddenly, my phone rings. I pick my phone up. I wonder who it is. Looks like it's my boyfriend Kian. I quickly press the accept call button.

I personally think that the non-indented type is easier as there's no tab button on a mobile device to make indents for you.

Capital letters

We all know what capital letters are. No explaining there. But they too are completely necessary.

Bad example:

i drove my car to the park.

Good example:

I drove my car to the park.

When making your title of your book, make sure to use capital letters on the beginning of keywords in the title.

Also make sure to capitalize proper nouns such as names of people and places.

So that completes today's part. See ya later!

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