chapter 3 revealed secret

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Poppy pov
As we walk a few feet away from our village without taking no air balloon was to much I couldn't walk another step I felt so  weak not wanting to do this I stopped to sit on the grass my eyes slowly closed as it turned dark around me I immediately soon fell asleep not knowing where I am not did I care as long as I rested


I woke up on a huge couch feeling very comfortable not knowing how I got here I looked around to notice I wasn't outside anymore I got up to look out the window to see a how different  everything is from my village it was peaceful and a bit decent with a lot of buildings unlike ours

I sat back on the couch wanting to know who brought me here I was in deep thought until the door opened very slowly I turn to see who was coming in I looked to see a very tall beautiful orange female troll I'm not to familiar with she has four legs with big orange hair she came very close to me while I shivered a little afraid

"Hello there my name is Delta dawn what's yours honey?"

I stuttered a little bit by the nice voice her accent was so different yet I found it a little sexy........ I stuttered a little bit trying to respond

"um my name's poppy ma'am where am I?"

I asked and she smile sitting next to me rubbing my back for comfort

"Honey your at the country side

I was walking around checking up on everyone making sure everyone was okay when I see you you were laying on the floor fainting sickly I brought you back to take care of you I actually felt bad for you because I knew something was wrong

I looked down sadly before looking back up to respond telling her everything that's happened

Actually I'm....a pop troll I was a ruler of my own drive until I have to flee someone is after me but nobody would tell me so I really don't know what's going on

She looked at me shocked feeling bad hugging me tired than ever rubbing my back

Honey I'm so sorry to hear that when will you find out

I don't know but I'll wait till now I'll just have to be into hiding

Oh honey I'm so sorry you're welcome here anytime you want honey she says smiling at me I smile back happily


We both sat there and talked for an hour until you heard a date harsh sound making both of us get up to look out to see everything being destroyed delta immediately threw me on hickory back then he started to run away from the place

Barb bussed in and stares at delta with an evil smirk coming closer

Barb:so your the former leader chief of the western country trolls

Delta:Why you here.......*angrily stares*

Barb: I'm...... looking for poppy give her to me now

Delta: never!

Barb growls snapping her fingers to take her out of the room for her to look for her herself but she couldn't find her because she's nowhere in sight

*Growls* where could she be?! Barb said with anger

Kidnapped Poppy x Barb *Completed* Where stories live. Discover now