Chapter 10 First kiss

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I don't know why I've done this to her I hurt her physically at any possible way but the truth of it is

That I love her more than words can show,I think about her more than she could ever know I can't explain my feelings because of her beautiful eyes because there is no one that would love poppy the way I love her

I cannot lose her because if I ever did I'd have lost the love of my life my soulmate her smile her laugh my everything
my happiness will never be complete if she wouldn't be right by my side

She's mine I don't want branch getting the same butterflies I get when she's happy or looking at her talking to her I don't want branch making poppy blush or calling her babe she might call me selfish but I dont care she's mine

Poppy:Wait barb aren't you taking me towards your castle

Barb:yes just wait...

As they both went into barbs castle poppy looks around it amazed and happy how cool it looked

Barb:My Kingdom's pretty cool right *winks*

Poppy blushed turns her head away while still being pulled to walk with her

Poppy: so um barb I wanna know something......


Poppy:Is I'm able to......see my friends and family again and go home

Barb:Well.....yes you can still see your friends and dad again I guess but on the new changes pipsqueak you leave with me now this is your home now

Poppy looks at her not liking the idea one bit

Poppy:But I have to go back I need to rule my village I'm there queen they need me

Barb:You....are mine now pipsqueak you can only leave to visit not go back ever GOT IT

Poppy:oh ok poppy looks on the ground sad almost tearing up

Barb looks at poppy with regret and sorrow hating what she's doing she looks at her deep in the eyes wanting to ask her something that she wanted to ask since she's seen her.....the first time

Barb:um poppy....*sadly stares*


Barb:Can I kiss you

Poppy:um why 

Barb looks away from her hating to say this

Barb:If you kiss me promising to stay with me make it official for us you can be able to go home and rule....... deal

Poppy nods agreeing to it

Poppy:Yes....but it's my first kiss

Barb:I won't be rough promise

Poppy:I guess I could kiss you......

Ok barb says happily

Barb quickly pulled poppy into a kiss she felt she wanted to do that when she first met her poppy felt shocked how nicely she kissed her she slowly closed her eyes kissing

After hour of them kissing they both pulled away and started breathing

Poppy blushed so much she hate to admit she's enjoying it barb noticed and smirks

Barb: You're so cute when you do that

Poppy turns away sitting on the bed
Barb laughs hugging her tight sitting next to her

Kidnapped Poppy x Barb *Completed* Where stories live. Discover now