Chapter 4 - He Is Coming..

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*3rd Person*

Lewis was waiting in the common room, watching his sister to see if she would wake up yet. Ross, Smith and Trott had come in earlier apologizing even though he had already say it was fine Hannah was also there keeping him company and so he didn't do anything stupid as well as some other yogs.

Lewis looked at Cat she seemed to be having a nightmare. He didn't think much of it until she started thrashing around he ran to her side trying to calm her down. The other yogs just stopped what they were doing and watched.

*Cat's P.o.V*

He was here and coming for me. I can let him hurt my own brother and friends! I need to leave..

please wake up.


I need you Cat



Is that Lewis?..

*Lewis' P.o.V*

I felt her move when I talked to her.

"Please wake up. I need you Cat. Please" I saw her eyelides open, slowly and she looked at me "Hey Cat!  how you feeling?"

"My head hurts but I'm fine" She said,

"Well you hit your head when you blacked out. Do you want yo come home now?" She nodded so I picked her up and took her to car, driving back to my apartment.

Once we were inside I placed her on here bed and went to my room. As soon as my head touched the pillow I was out.


Just for you *Looks at Princess-Amethyst* Quick question, do you think these chapters are to small? If so then there is 2 options - Short chapters frequently or long chapters every 3-4 days? Cause I do have ideas but they are going to be further up in the story.

Bigcat, Over and Out

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