Let Go

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I got ice in my veins
Blood in my eyes
Hate in my heart
Love in my mind
               By: ?
? POV.
We just got done with a mission when we came up on a fight. There was a girl with h/l (hair length) h/c (hair color) and e/c (eye color). She was fighting four imperial soldiers. She looked tired and in pain. "Hay Leone should we help?" She nodded her head.

We walked out but right when we did the girl said "time to end this" in seconds the soldiers were dead. The girl then looked at us. She seemed annoyed. "We're do yall keep coming from?" She looked ready to fight.

Leone tried to tell her we were here to help but the girl seemed to disappear and pop up behind me. She held one of the soldiers swords to my neck. "Back up or he dies" she said

I laughed as I used my imperial weapon. I took my threads and nocked her of her feet. She jumped back. "Imperial arms?!" Leone chuckled "yes we both have one are you afraid? Or do you have one too?" The girl looked at us "nether actually. I just thought this would be more interesting. People are usually to weak to beat an imperial arms but I think I will enjoy this."

I was shocked. She thinks she can win? Before I knew it she was behind me and kicked me into the ground. I then see Leone beside me. The girl then jumped in front of us. She then took the sword to my head. Leone then knocked her down. "Listen girl we are here to help but now I see your a good fighter I think you could be a good addition to the team."

The girl looked at Leone "I rather die the help the capital. I will destroy the capital if it's the last thing I do!" Me and Leone looked at each other. This girl will be good addition. "Good because we are the resistance." I said. She looked shocked and thought for I minute. "Fine" is all she said.

Her and Leone stood up. "Good to have you this is Lubbock and I'm Leone" Leone said. Now that the girl is standing I can see her better. Her hair is messy and her pants are torn. She must be homeless. "I'm f/n (first name)" we nodded and went back to the base.

3 year skip
This is you now expect you can change anything you don't like

3 year skipThis is you now expect you can change anything you don't like

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Me and f/n have gotten close but I still think there is a barrier. She is keeping me close but at arms length. I wish I could help her but she won't let me. I don't know what her problem is. She scares away all the others. The only reason I'm here is because I forced her to be my friend.

Maybe that's why because it was forced. You know what if she says she doesn't want anyone around her then I leave her alone. I just hope she will keep me around.

I walk up to f/n "hi, I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with the group?" She looked at me and shook her head no. "Come on there not that bad. Stop putting your head up you ass and come have fun" she looked at me "I said no and I don't have my head up my ass!" She said

I looked at her "please come with me. I need you there." She looked at me and sighed. She nodded I was so happy she agreed.

We were going to the others. I was really happy that f/n joined us but the others looked a little weirded out except Akame she was just bored. We were all talking except for f/n.

Leone lend over to me and whispered "why did you invite her? You know she doesn't like us" I was about to defend f/n but she beat me to it. "I don't care Leone. If you want to talk about me you can say it out loud. I don't need to hear it from someone else so please say everything you need to say now." F/n said.

Leone looked shocked then mad. "Fine if you want to hear what we say then fine. You dont care about anyone but your self. You can't go on missions with anyone because you will leave them to die. You act like your better than everyone. Nobody likes you expect Lubbock and even he is getting fed up with it!"
F/n POV.
I had a empty look. "First of all I don't care. Glad you notice I don't care. Second this is a assassination group you should be able to take care of yourself and it's a kill or be killed job. I have things to do and can't die till it happens. Third I don't think I'm better Even if I act like it and if Lubbock is fed up with it he can leave me alone."

I didn't want him to leave I want him to stay but he is a distraction. I can't have people close to me they will just get hurt. I need to get rid of him. I deserve it "so your willing to push us all away?! I am trying to be your friend and you just throw it away like it's nothing!" He said. I looked at him and stood up. "We were never friends. I don't want them or need them. You just kept pushing it till I was to tired to keep trying to tell you no." I said. I could see tears in his eyes. I then leave.

I go back to my room. I think it's time for me to leave. Once the boss gets back ill tell her and go.

I want to got to Lubbock. I want to hug him and say I lied. I felt a tear run down my face. Weird I haven't cried since I was a kid. DAMN this is more of a reason to leave I'm getting soft.

I start to punch the wall. My hand is bloody but I don't care. I'm trying to forget but I will not drink. I hate not being in control of my body. That's why I don't do drugs or alcohol. Smoking would just kill me and I fought to live this long. I'm not dieing not yet at least.

Strings And Shadows (Lubbock x reader) Completed Where stories live. Discover now