Return Journey Ticket

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Aditi went somewhere without informing anyone. But what was in her mind is unknown to everyone. Till then Samarjan packed his bags.

Now that everything was planned they were ready to depart the next day. The train tickets and the hotel was booked. Now there was nothing holding them back.

That night was the toughest night of all. That night noone could sleep properly. They had a lot to say but couldn't say anything. They were surrounded by silence and solitude.

For Aditi it was the first time that she got so close to someone. She avoided people and guests but this guest who came to her life without any relation became her best friend.

Samarjan didn't know anything apart from battles and didn't live his life till now and this was the first time that he kept his weapons aside and opened his arms towards the life. The reason behind this change was Aditi.

They both started recalling the first time they met and how they got so close in such a short time span. But at the same time they knew that they can't be together.

The next morning was difficult to accept but this was the bitter truth. They got ready to go to the station. Samarjan saw her house closely as if he was taking the memories of the house with him.

 Samarjan saw her house closely as if he was taking the memories of the house with him

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He knew that he would never get a chance to see the house again. He jumped out of the house from the window while Aditi came out of the main door.

His family was proud of her as she was doing a great job in her studies but who knew the truth. Samarjan was waiting outside looking at the house for one last time. He decided to break the silence this time.

Samarjan - Aditi , This house seems like my own house. I have spent such a beautiful time here. A Kshatriya had learnt to hide and lie. I am really grateful for your help.

Aditi - I didn't help you. I just did what seemed right to me. And you bought colours in my dull life.

Again they had nothing to say. They took a cab and went to the railway station. As soon as they reached the railway station they saw professor Tiwari.

Aditi and professor Tiwari were discussing while Samarjan was looking scared.

Aditi - Are you all right ? Your face looks frowning. (Tapping his shoulder)

Samarjan - I have come here before. This box is very scary. It's very fast and it's sound is scary.

Aditi - This is a train. You don't need to be scared of this. You can travel large distances with comfort. Aeroplanes are even faster than this , through the airways.

Samarjan - You mean I can fly.

Aditi - Of course, but please don't ask why. It flies with the help of the fuel and rest I can't tell you.

Samarjan - You said that you will explain me all this.

Aditi - But we don't have so much time left.

And their train arrived at the station. They went upon the train with all their luggage. Aditi's heart started pounding fastly.

On the train two births were at one side while 1 birth was on the other side. Professor Tiwari chose to sit alone where he opened his laptop and started working on it.

Now again Aditi was with Samarjan. Again the same situation had come. But this time Samarjan spoke up.

Samarjan - Maybe this is the last time we are spending together. Instead of thinking about the future why don't we just focus on our present.

Aditi - What do you mean ?

Samarjan - You know what I mean. Stop pretending that you don't know anything. Being quiet is not a solution. Instead of that face the reality.

Aditi - What should I do then ?

Samarjan - Let's just enjoy the time that we have now. Professor Tiwari is also away from us.

Aditi - What is there to talk ?

Samarjan - The way I know you , You don't need a topic to talk. And remember that day when I met you first. That night you didn't even let me sleep.

Aditi - That situation was different.

Samarjan - Every situation is different but you are not different. If we continue this, we will definitely regret later. The time we have now is beautiful and let's not waste it.

Aditi - Actually you are right. We won't get this back.

Aditi's eyes were about to lose control as she really wanted to cry but this act could hurt Samarjan. And Samarjan won't have the strength to go to his own world.

Same was the condition with Samarjan when he felt like losing his best friend and the one who understands him. He could forgive himself for Ashwini.

Both of them were unsuccessful in getting their love. Samarjan lost his love inspite of having it and Aditi refused all the ones asking for her.

Aditi - I still remember when I saw your eyes for the first time I saw fierceness as well as innocence in your eyes

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Aditi - I still remember when I saw your eyes for the first time I saw fierceness as well as innocence in your eyes. But all this is coming to an end.

Samarjan - I feel like I am losing the biggest battle of my life.

Aditi - Can't you think of anything except your battles ?

Samarjan - When life itself is a battle what else could I ask for.

Aditi - But I changed your perspective. Life is beautiful if you feel it. It depends on you how you see it.

Samarjan - You believe that one should never lie, be it any relationship.

Aditi - Ya! Not even hide.

Samarjan - There is something I want to tell you.

Aditi - Ya! Say it. Even I have to tell you something.

What is there in their minds ?

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