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"daddy, I'm scared what powers. Is it bad, will I hurt you. No please I don't want to hurt." She cry's.

"Baby look at me. Please" I say she looks at me with tears. I snap and the wind picks up around us she hides her face in my chest.

"Light" I say she looks around and shivers. I forgot it's cold down here for her.

"Daddy is that you." She says I look In the water and see my demon self. I grab her pulling her to me she gasp and other demons appear.

"Prince, we didn't expect you" Sammy says bowing.

"Da....." Moon starts I squeeze her hand. She stops and hides behind me.

"Who is this little thing." He says walking over to her, I growl and he pulls her from behind me.

"Come over baby, I think your pretty." He says and more of them come over.

"Enough." I say they don't listen. They only listen to the royal in charge, I should of never....my thoughts are inturupted by moon singing. The demons are memorized bowing, she is the true ruler.

"That is extremely hot." I say she turns to me still singing, she runs her hands along my chest and down my right arm. She laces our fingers and hides as she finishes singing.

"Prince, I apologise I didn't expect you. Please let me have a maid set your room up, would you like me to help with anything." He says she giggles

"That will be all. If you need me I will be in my study." I say he bows and leaves. I turn to her smiling.

"How did you do that." I ask she shrugged.

"How did you know it would work" I ask

"I didn't" she says walking away.

"Something about this place is fimiliar. I don't understand why but it is." She says if only she knew that she grew up here Till.....

"Moon, why did you go mute? What was the tramatic experience."


"Moon galaxy stars." My grandmother yells.

"Yes Mrs. Stone" ten year old moon says with her head down.

"Look at me child." She says moon looks up.

"Since you can't stop acting like a child"

"I am a child whats your excuse" moon says back. My mother walks in and grabs moon by the neck making her bow. Moon gets mad and throws her across the office.

"You worthless child, you will be a lady and obey, or so help me your life will be a living hell."

"You are going to reform school. Till your 18. You will be married after you graduate, your party will be held as to find a sutor." She says

"No. I think I'll stay and create my own life." Moon sasses and gose to leave. My mother snaps, moon is in my mother's arms off the ground.

"You will listen and be the perfect princess. Or so help me you will be the garbage maid. You will not ruin everything we worked on with that stupid mouth of yours." My mother whispers. Moon rolls her eyes.

"Fine you will find that one day your voice will hurt the ones close to you." My grandmother says. Moon looks at her and screams in pain and anger as my mother bits her and my grandmother laughs. Everyone passes out leaving moon alone standing and her mother out cold, she freaks out and runs around finding everyone in the castle passed out.

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