Zombie Block Party

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Today was the Zombie Block party. I was helping Zed, Eliza and Zephyr set up the tables and chairs and decorations 

"So, has Addison gotten Zoe the puppy yet." I asked Zed while trying to hang the banner. I may be a witch, but I'm still short and I have an ongoing bet with Jamie and Eliza about how long I'll be able to resist using my magic.

"Yup. Zoe's gonna be so excited." Zed said happily.

"That's great." I commented. I was trying to place the banner really high, but I couldn't reach.

"Ready to give in, Wendy?" Eliza asked me.

"Hell no.  I can last until the end of the week." I stated

"You sure about that." Jamie asked appearing behind me. I yelped and slapped her across the face, "OWWW!" She said

"Sorry, not really. Don't sneak up on me like that. Jamie, you're tall, you and Zephyr hang up the banner." I told them before leaving, "I'm gonna go check on Addison and I'll meet you guys back here in time for the party." I said grinning and left. 


I arrived at the party and it was in full swing. 

"Ready for action, yea we bout to blow up

Party's going down, but we bout to go up

We got your back no need to have worries

Now we're all cool, at first it was scary." I rapped

"And we can do a lot with a little." Zephyr said

"Call on your friends, when you're caught in the middle." Jamie rapped

"And you should do the same like I'd do the same, you should be yourself that's the coolest thing." Eliza rapped

"I'm about to show you." Zed rapped

"I'm about to show you" Addison rapped

"Guess nobody told you." I rapped 

"Nobody told you?" Bucky rapped

"I'm about to put in work, listen this is our turf." I rapped

"BAMM! oh man oh man

you're the man, look at you 

do it like I can

BAMM! oh man oh man

you a fan understand this is zombie-land

BAMM! oh man oh man

I'm the man, bet you can't do it like I can

BAMM! oh man oh man, I'm the man with the plan, let me do my dance


You're in Zombieland, I'm in Zombieland, we're in zombie land

watch me do it like BAMM

You're in Zombieland, I'm in ZOmbieland, we're in Zombieland,

watch me do it like BAMM!"  We all finished. 

I held a dog in my hands and approached Zoey. 

"Hey Zoey." I said, "Addison, Zed, Eliza, Zephyr, Jamie, Bonzo and I all pitched in a little money and bought you this." I said grinning. She took the dog from my hands and started playing with it. 

It's gonna be a good year. Highschool will be amazing!

*end of Zombies 1*

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