W O W Eliza! I Thought I Could Trust You

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I met back up with the other Zombies and Jamie. Sometimes I forget Jamie's a human and not a zombie considering she hangs out with us so much!

"What happened to cheer practice?" Zephyr asked

"The wolves happened! Shouldn't Jamie and Bonzo be in cheer practice?" I asked

"Meh, I quit and Bonzo's just late." Jamie said, shrugging

"Why would you leave if the wolves were there. Was Wyatt not there?" Eliza said smirking. So I may have told Eliza last night that Wyatt was cute and I maybe kinda liked him and now she was telling them.

"Hold up! Wyatt?" Zed asked

"Little Wendy here-" 

"I'm the same height as you!" I cut her off. Eliza rolled her eyes. 

"Little Wendy here, has a crush on the werewolf Wyatt!" Eliza said in a sing-song voice

"Wyatt and Wendy sitting in a tree" Zephyr sang

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Eliza continued

"First comes love, then comes marriage." Zed continued

"Then three zombies with some spinal damage." I told them, glaring. They all burst out laughing. 

"Meh, its cool. You like a werewolf and I like-" Jamie was oh so rudely interrupted by me. 

"Wynter. I know!" I said. Jamie looked at me, "You stare at her and you think she's cute. Not that hard to put the pieces together." I told her. We approached the gym and I saw Wyatt and Addison, hugging and laughing. I gave Addison a death glare. 

"Yea. That scruffy, super handsome, fine-smelling Wyatt is really into Addison." I told Zed, dejectedly. 

"Cheer up. Addison's dating Zed and Addison would never cheat." Eliza said to me and Zed. 

"They're just cheering, and hugging, and laughing. I'm not threatened, not threatened at all." Zed said. Eliza patted his back, before walking away with Jamie and Zephyr, leaving the two of us together. 

"Zed!" Addison called out. 

"And this is my cue to leave." I told Zed, "Don't yell at her 'kay." 

"Why do you still stick up for her. She didn't at the city council meeting." Zed told me. 

"I still consider her my sister. We have an on and off relationship and right now we're 'off'" I told Zed before Addison approached us. 

"Have fun with Wyatt?" I asked cooly

"Yea, the werewolves are amazing at cheer! Wynter and Wyatt especially!" She said happily. I nodded and left. I went into the music room. I grabbed a bunch of pages out of my bag and placed them on the stand in front of the piano.  I sat down and started playing the song

(Play the song at the top)

"I been on the low

I been taking my time

I feel like I'm out of my mind

It feel like my life ain't mine

I been on the low

I been taking my time

I feel like I'm out of my mind

It feel like my life ain't mind

I don't wanna be alive

I don't wanna be alive

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