A Bunch of Mutts Ruin My Sophomore Year

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I woke up and immediately panicked because I didn't recognize my surroundings. Then I remembered what had happened yesterday. First day of Sophomore year and I'm already starting things off badly. I quickly used my magic to change my clothes and grabbed my backpack and left. Oh yea, Eliza was with me. 

"I can't believe they kicked you out. We've gotta do something. Boycott, protest, HUNGER STRIKE!" Eliza exclaimed.

"It's fine Eliza. Let's just enjoy Sophomore year. Which honours classes did you get into?" I asked (I don't know how this works. I don't know shit about the education system. Just go with it)

"Chemistry, Biology, Math, Physics, English and French." Eliza said

"Same as yours plus I'm in honours music." I said, and we arrived at the school

"Hey guys, excited for the big assembly today." Zephyr asked, approaching us with Jamie alongside him. He gave Eliza a kiss on the forehead and Eliza slapped him. We were all standing by the giant vents.

"Zephyr, it's 8 am on a Monday morning I'm not excited about anything right now. Oh yea, that reminds me. I saw some dude in a power plant uniform talk to us. He asked about the werewolves and tried to convince us that werewolves aren't real. I took Zoey home and then when I walked back out, the sign was missing." I explained. 

"Was he cute?" Jamie asked. 

"Sure, I guess. I wasn't really paying attention, but why not?" I muttered

"I think he's a werewolf." Eliza said. 

"That actually makes sense." I said. 

"Jamie, you wanna help me with something." I asked

"Sure, wait. What is this something?" She asked cautiously. I grabbed some graffiti cans out of my bag and held them up.

"I think this school needs a little witch's touch." I said smirking before grabbing the bronze can. Jamie nodded and grabbed a second can. 

"Right. You guys have fun with that. Zephyr and I are going to the assembly." Eliza said, dragging Zephyr behind her. Jamie and I started spraying the silver trophies with bronze paint. We had finally finished, when Jamie spoke up.

"I'm gonna go to the assembly." She said. I nodded and moved on to spray painting the walls. I grabbed different purples, pinks, blues, greens, reds and blacks and started going to work. That's when I saw the wolves. They were really, really intimidating. They started talking among themselves when one wolf grabbed one of the bronze painted trophies. It burned his hands. The wolves kept passing the trophy around like a hot potato and it was kinda funny.

"Ow, silver, ooh pain. I can take it. No I can't" one of the smaller wolves said. I let out a quiet laugh and the main wolf heard me. Great, just fantastic. 

"Who's there? Show yourself." The main wolf said. It was at that point I teleported myself into the middle of the crowd at the assembly. Zed was on the podium, running for president. Good for him. 

"ZED!" I called out

"Wendy, what's wrong?" He asked

"Werewolves. Here, in the school. Outside, in the main hall." I called out. And that's when they burst in. 

"WEREWOLVES." Zed called out in panic. 

"NO SHIT!" I yelled back at him. The entire place was in panic. 

"There she is." The main wolf called out, looking at Addison. Okay, I may have been kicked out of my home, but I'm not letting them harm Addison. 

"Football Team. Defense, Z24 right. " The football team formed a protective barrier against Addison and I walked in front of them, in an offense position.

"Where's the moonstone white-hair." The girl asked

"I think you've got the wrong person." Addison said fearfully.

"They got the wrong person and messed with the wrong witch." I muttered, before lighting my hands in flames made of silver. The wolves backed up slightly. Eliza, Zed and Zephyr were gonna smash their Z-bands and Zombie out. 

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." Everyone backed up while I moved forward, trying to appear intimidating. That is harder than it looks when you're a kickass girl trapped inside a 5 foot body. 

"Too much?" The same wolf questioned. The others nodded

"Wolves, on my command." The, I'm assuming alpha, said. Their necklaces lit up. 

"Willa, we can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they're on high alert." A male wolf said. Oh so the alpha's name is Willa, cute name. 

"I hate it when you're right." Willa said, "Wolves, stand down." I lowered my hands and the flames went out. I was breathing heavily. Sustaining the flames had taken a lot out of me. 

"Sorry, we werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to join your school." Willa said. 

"That's bullshit. She," I pointed towards the girl with the space buns, "wanted to, and I quote, 'gut 'em and splatter their blood'. No one thinks this is suspicious?" 

"We let Zombies into our school!" Addison pointed out.

"yea and they tried to eat our brains." Bucky pointed out

"None of the zombies wanted to destroy us on purpose. The only reason the incident at the homecoming happened was because of the Aceys." I protested, "these wolves stormed into our school, and tried to tear us apart."

"We let you into the school without question, and you're a freak and a witch." Bucky said. 

"I hate you. I really, really despise you, Bucky." I muttered. 

"So welcome to sea brook." Addison said

"Fine, you guys can have fun with these mutts and when they end up kidnapping one of us or damaging school property or heck, your own, don't come crying to me." I said before exiting. 


"Vote Zed for Prez, because I'm a zombie, not a zom-can't-be." Zed said handing out flyers. 

"Okay, so here's out platform, we fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria." Eliza said

"Get Zombie-tongue taught as a second language." Zephyr continued

"and a 'how to overthrow your oppressors' after school club." I finished. Zed looked at me, "Right don't overpromise." 

"But most importantly, we allow zombies and witches at Prawn." Zed said

"Technically I'm a hybrid witch. I only have half the powers I should have because half of me isn't a witch." I pointed out. 

"Wait so then what are you?" Eliza asked

"Dunno, but I do have white streaks in my hair, like pure white, not like Addison's platinum blonde." I said

"Like the wolves." Zephyr said, "maybe you're part wolf." 

"Yea right. I wouldn't even wanna be related to those mutts. Anyway, werewolves are the swing vote. See ya." I left and headed for the girls bathroom. I took out my phone and started playing a game, when Willa came in. 

"Willa, right?" I asked. She nodded and growled at me. 

"Okay... We were never formally introduced. I'm Wendy, I'm a witch, and I used to live in Seabrook, until you guys got me kicked out, so now I live with Eliza in Zombietown. and you are..." I trailed off

"You have white streaks in your hair." Willa pointed out, "Natural or dyed?"

"Natural. why?" I asked. 

"Because you're a wolf." Willa stated

"No I'm not. I think I'd know if I was a wolf." I said before erupting in a coughing fit.

"You okay?" Willa asked 

"Yea I'm fine. I'm gonna go." I said before heading back to meet up with Zed. 

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