We got This

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So you guys know me. I'm Wendy and stuff, and guess what?! I passed freshman year. I am now fifteen and a Sophomore. Today is the Last Day of Summer. (huh, that reminds me of the song from the PJO musical). Right now, I'm in Zombieland. Zed and I have a surefire plan to get Addison to go with him to the Prawn. Oh yea, couple update! Zephyr and Eliza got together, Zed and Addison are now a thing and Bree and Bonzo happened. On a sidenote, Jamie's revealed she's bi, which I'm totally cool with. She dated Bucky for a few weeks, before breaking up with him and then dated Zahra, a really nice Zombie girl, and they broke up too. My love life has been a little lacklustre. Oh well. Jamie, Bonzo, Addison and Bree were at cheer camp and I was hanging out in Zombieland with the others. 

*Play the song above. Pretend my OCs are  in there*

Zed was screwing in a couple of lightbulbs, I was making sure the mechanism worked and Zoey was gonna throw the confetti. 

"Alright, the mechanisms work and the wire is set." I told Zed. 

"When do I throw the confetti?" Zoey asked, excitedly

"You'll know." Zed said. Zed was screwing in the last lightbulb when the bus came crashing through, taking Zed with it. 

"Zoey, let's go!" I told her. She hopped on my back and I used magic to speed run us there, just in time, "Zoey, stay with the bus, I'm gonna go look for Zed." I told her. She ended up following me. I looked around the forest and saw Zed and Addison together

"Guys, we're here. What happened?" I asked. 

"AWWOOOOOO" A wolf howled. I looked at the source of the sound and saw a girl, about my age howling. I looked around again and saw more people, just like her within the forest. 

"Guys, we're not alone. There are werewolves surrounding us." I told them

"What? wolves?"  Stacey asked

"what wolves?" Lacey asked

"Here wolves." JC asked (he was the newest Acey apparently)

"WEREWOLVES" They all panicked and started texting

"There is no way anyone's gonna believe this." I muttered


Bucky was ranting about the wolves

"Oh give it a rest Bucky. We all know you didn't believe in the myths and legends. Stop trying to look important." I called out nonchalantly. He glared at me and I gave him a fake smile. Then Missy (Addy's mom) went up to the podium. 

"By order of city council, all anti-monsters laws are reinstated immediately!" Missy declared

"What about the witch?" Someone called out.

"Hey! That witch has a name." I yelled back

"The witch will live in Zombieland and follow all anti-monster laws. She will collect her stuff from her house immediately and move out." Missy stated. I gasped in shock. They can't make me move! I didn't do anything wrong. I thought they actually thought of me as family for once, but nope. I felt tears start to prick at the back of my eyes. Hey, you would cry too, if your family kicked you out. I left the building and went to my so-called 'home'. I grabbed all my stuff and placed everything in suitcases. I then left for Zombieland. Eliza texted me, saying I could stay at her house. I just sent back a thumbs up and teleported outside. I knocked on Eliza's door. 

"Hi. You must be Wendy. Eliza's told me so much about you. All good things, of course. I am so sorry they kicked you out, you seem like a very nice girl. You'll be staying in Eliza's room, she has bunk beds, so don't worry about anything." Eliza's mom explained. She was really nice and I gave her a smile. 

"Thanks ma'am." I said and headed upstairs. 

"Hey Eliza." I said, "thanks for letting me stay."

"no problem. You excited for the first day of school?" She asked me.

"Ye-Yea." I said, voice cracking, "I'm gonna go see what Zoe's doing. I need to clear my head." Eliza nodded. Zoey talked a lot and that helped me forget what's going on. 

When I got to Zed's place, Zoey was nailing a sign in place

"Werefriend wanted." I read aloud. Zoey nodded and a man came and walked by. 

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a were-friend." Zoey told the man. 

"Zoey, don't talk to strangers." I scolded her.

"Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves." The guy said. 

"Oh, believe me, they're real. I saw one in the forest earlier today. She had long, curly black hair, with a white streak and was really tall." I described her

"Maybe it was just a hiker saying howls it going." The guy suggested. 

"Hey, can we have your name, at least. We're having a full conversation with you and we don't even know you. also, that was a really, really bad pun." I said

"Wyatt." He said sticking his hand out.

"Wendy." I muttered before shaking it. 

"You're the witch!" He said, eyes widening. 

"Why do people always refer to me as 'the witch'? I have a name for a reason." I said exasperated. 

"Sorry, you don't need to be so uptight." The guy said. I glared at him. 

"Zoey, let's get you home." I said in a kinder tone. She nodded and I sent her inside before leaving. After heading inside Eliza's house I went to sleep. 

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