A Twist of the Tale

373 13 185

Is- is this what I think it is?




Chapter 15: Lunch Time of Segregation (of students) 

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It was like an invisible knife had sliced through the middle of the

It was like there was an invisible barrier, similar to the one between the castles, that divided the students. It was strange, really. Good was a splash of bright — almost too bright — colours mixed with winding trees and beautiful flowers. Then, immediately, it was cut off by the stark contrast of Evil. Blacks and greys. The trees losing all their glassy leaves and twisting into blackened, gnarly fingers. The landscape was perfectly symmetrical, right down to the line that split the tree in the middle directly in half. 

Even the faces of each student differed on the sides. Good was all smiles and cheer while Evil's smiles appeared forced or straight-up grim scowls. Of course, most Nevers didn't know how to smile properly, but no one really knew that. 

It reminded her of a messed up mirror, Agatha realized. One side of the mirror depicts beauty and sunshine, while the other side grim and sour. Complete, and utter opposites. 

But there was one thing that remained the same between both sides: The underlying tension between the opposing students. Evers chatted brightly to one another, reminiscing about their first day of school, but every so often giving side-glances at the Nevers as if they were slightly repulsed at their peers. Good had grown to have a sense of enlightenment, so many years of being the heroes of every fairy tale and always winning could accomplish that. So they looked down upon Evil, like a king may two a peasant. The Nevers weren't so petty in thinking, in fact, most of them simply ignored the Evers, so much so they pretended the other side didn't exist. However, if the Evers made a loud noise disturbing them, their glares would be so venomous the trees themselves seemed to flinch. 

Agatha felt even more out of place.

Would she ever belong anywhere? Not in Gavaldon, and certainly not the School for Good. The School for Evil's demeanour called out to her, and that calling grew with every passing second. But the idea of it made Agatha hesitate, but she didn't know why. 

After awkwardly leaving the line for the food, Agatha stood still, trying to decide where to sit, but everywhere she looked she was either met with confused stares and whispering, or boisterous princes who couldn't care less for their surroundings. Agatha scoffed. 

She eventually chose to sit in the grass that was covered in the shadows cast by the tree that was in the divide between the schools. Most students seemed to avoid the divide like a plague. Perfect. She plopped onto the ground and reached into her basket, pulling out a delicious-looking sandwich eagerly. But as she brought it up to take a bite, a delicate-looking hand swiped it from her hands. 

Agatha gawked at Sophie who tore through the sandwich. 

"You won't believe what they are serving," Sophie remarked bitterly between bites. "The audacity! I would give it to you because it's so similar to what your mom makes for you, but I'm decent enough to spare you from getting sick." She gave death glares to the grey mush the Nevers were chowing down on like starved lions. 

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