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Tenn's p.o.v.

What happened in the time I was away from home? The way that Damian kid looked at me made me feel uneasy. It was like they were more protective of him than I ever was. I got back to the company in one piece with our manager and was instantly dragged to the side by Gaku. "You're going to want to see your brother's file" Gaku said a bit pale and slightly shaking.

I rose an eyebrow, but I went to read the file and instantly wanted throw up. Riku was sold by our parents, just weeks after I left, to human traffickers. He was with them for two years being bumped around from country to country before he was rescued by Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin in Gotham city. He spent two months in the hospital during which time Bruce Wayne became his legal guardian just like Dick, Jason, and Tim. During his hospital stay it was confirmed that he no longer had his health issue, the wonders of traveling for two years. Damian, Bruce's blood son, came a year after Riku had been with them. Then after two years with the Wayne's he only came back to Japan to get back in touch with his homeland under the name of our parents so that way people wouldn't attracted by his last name of Wayne.

My breath caught in my throat as I continued down. My brother knew how to speak; Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Portagues, English, and Korean. Along with lock picking advanced first aid, computers, cooking, many forms of martial arts, and how to use various kinds of weapons since several of the people trafficked were forced to fight one another for entertainment and food.

My parent's are currently serving out a life sentence not just for selling Riku, but for aiding the traffickers over and over again. I stomach churned painfully as I ran to the bathroom and began to throw up. My parents were monsters for putting Riku through that. Then I thought for a second they only sold him because they wanted money, was the amount that Kujo gave them not enough or did they become greedy once I left and Riku had to feel the blow from our parents while I lived in luxury.

I then looked at Riku's grades since he was with Mr. Wayne. All A's and B's in all of his classes at Gotham Academy and at the current high school he's attending, Tokyo Academy.

But The only thing that I could see as an immediate problem was where the Wayne's lived, Gotham City. The place was infamous for it's crime rate, but was just as infamous for the lavish galas thrown by Gotham's higher class. But the entire city was protected by the batfamily consisting of Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Nightflare, Spoiler, Black Bat, Oracle, Batwing, Batwoman, and Robin. The whole family had a reputation of taking on enhanced and super powered individuals including the Superfamily without any powers themselves just their mind, body, and wits. So that gave me some small comfort having been saved by Nightflare a good few times since he came here.

Nightflare was disturbingly silent then again that's a batfamily trait from what I've heard. My thoughts were interrupted by an evil cackle. I looked at the Tv screen only to see the worst villain of all time even to that of the Justice League, Joker.

Riku's p.o.v.

I was on patrol with my family. I was currently with Red Hood heading to the old warehouse district were all the warehouses were all but abandoned except fora few odd. I'd sent Nightwing with Red Robin to check out the abandoned monastarry on the other side of Tokyo while Batman and Robin took crime alley. "You didn't have to come with us Nightflare" Nightwing told me via comms.

"I'm fine Wing besides the longer those guys are out of Arkam the more devistating the effects could be for everyone not just here in Japan, but everywhere." I said knowingly.

"You know now that I'm thinking about it Joker has gotten his claws into all of us except you Flare in one way or another" Red Robin said

"True he killed me. Tortured Nightwing. Mentally damaged RR. Beat Robin. Disabled Oracle. Broke Black Bat. The list goes on, but the only one he hasn't gotten to has been you" Red Hood said

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