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Today couldn't get any worse.

I've already been yelled at, I missed a deadline, Serenity ended up staying and is screaming and crying instead of taking her nap, and now I'm drowning in paperwork that's due in the next few hours.

I don't know if the date that Harry and I planned will happen now that we were both in the most sourest of moods.

I didn't want to explode on him and I'm sure he didn't want to yell at me more than he had already today after I missed that deadline.

Other workers were frustrated as well as they continuously tried to come to me for help since Harry did not want to be disturbed for a couple hours.

Austin tried calling and emailing to see if Harry could see him but Harry just shook his head at me and I've been fighting with him since he won't stop persisting to see Harry TODAY.

I thought he was on his day off and hanging out with Camila?

What happened to that?

Why is he bothering me today of all days that anyone could get on my nerves!?

I'm about to erupt and it won't be cute at all.

No one will want to date me.

I think I want, no, NEED some of Vanessa's blunt right now.

It was currently time for my break so maybe I could call her and just hope she can calm me down with her chill vibes.

She answered in the second ring and loud music could be heard on the other end.

"Hey there gorgeous! What's up? Aren't you at work right now? Let me guess, you're on your break and you need my guidance through a tough day?"

Holy fûcking shît, this girl is a genius.

Maybe I should start smoking her shît so I can be a genius too.

"You guessed it. Today has been so fûcking stressful I have no idea how I'll make it another 5 hours"

"Are you and Harry still planning to go out?"

"How did you know he asked me out? I never told you about that?"

"HA! You did just now! I knew you two were seeing each other"

"You bîtch!"

We both laughed and I immediately felt 100 times more calm.

Thank god for Vanessa.

"Alright my love, I have to head back in. Please pray for me so that I can survive the rest of the day"

"For you, always my dear. Now you keep that head high, beat Bradley's aśs if he stops by, and give Harry a nice kiss to make him feel better. Goodbye and I'll call later to see how your date goes"

I said my goodbyes then hung up with a deep breath in and back out.

The remainder of the day wasn't as intense but it was still aggravating due to Harry still having his door closed.

What on earth is he doing in there?

After the last of the employees walked off I stood from my seat and made my way to Harry's door.

I lightly knocked only to be met with silence.

I knocked a little harder and was still met with silence.

I twisted the knob and opened the door to see a sight I never thought I'd see in a million years.

Harry's hair was in two pigtails with about four clips in each one.

Little Darling • H.S (AU) Where stories live. Discover now